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[11 Feb 2009|12:00am]
a line for this guy would be great. have ideas you've been wanting to push around or sls you've been aching to fill? let me hear them! the only things i ask are that it can be an aim based line and that you don't disappear after talking out the line with me - even before we get a chance to write. that's really lame, people.
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[11 Feb 2009|12:00am]
Would anyone be interested in a group crack Twilight PSL? I had what I thought would be a great idea for one, and I'm fairly certain it would be more fun than serious. I'll write up some more details if anyone is curious. (Just look at me rhyming.)
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[11 Feb 2009|02:09am]
[info]fromhere Where Do We Go From Here a post-series Buffy The Vampire Slayer / Angel The Series group psl. A few roles still left open. We definitely need potential slayers since the main premise is the slayer school. Originals or Canon, we're flexible.
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[11 Feb 2009|07:57am]
Looking for a few new lines :) thing that interest me include

Older guy/younger girl
Older woman/younger guy
Brother rivalry
Mafia lines
Pregnancy lines
Doctor/Nurse or Doctor/Patient
Forbidden affairs
Supernatural (not the show)
Fluffy is nice too
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[11 Feb 2009|01:51pm]
Looking for aim/thread smut. I would love Ben Barnes for my girl. I will also do some slash. I would prefer a HP PSL with S Fawcett/Eddie Carmichael for anyone who's interested, but I'm open to options. Give me a storyline and I'll consider it!

No mutilation, pain, or bondage. Not interested.

Tag my journal to talk more.
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[11 Feb 2009|02:22pm]
would anyone be up for a line based on true blood? i can play bill, sookie or jason and am not picky about pairings. het, slash or femme are all welcome.
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[11 Feb 2009|07:07pm]
check the journal
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[11 Feb 2009|07:22pm]
i'm only getting a little tired of getting a line and then having it die overnight. with that being said, would anyone be interested in a psl with a chris carrabba? check the journal as well!
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[11 Feb 2009|08:00pm]
psl for the love of all that is holy
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[11 Feb 2009|08:29pm]
I'm looking for someone to play rob pattinson against my kristen stewart in a psl.
Storyline ideas up for discussion.
Looking for mature writter.

scattered shads ; this is where you can find me.
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[11 Feb 2009|08:37pm]
A mature line? The aftermath of an affair? Her husband cheats on her, and she has to learn how to trust him for the sake of their marriage and their daughter. I was thinking they struggle through a couple months, get pregnant again, and come close to falling apart. I have a lot of background so far, if you need help with characterization.

Threading or AIM. Long-term, preferably. I can trade off and play a male for you if you'd like!
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[11 Feb 2009|10:07pm]
i've got some new storyline ideas up in my journal if anyone is interested. also, i'm looking for a justin long/ginnifer goodwin pairing if someone wants that.
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[ viewing | February 11th, 2009 ]
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