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[17 Jul 2008|01:27pm]
I'd kill for a good slash line currently. I'm bored out of my mind with het. :/

I've actually be unhealthily obsessed with Mohinder/Matt lately so if anyone would be the Mohinder to my Matt I would seriously love them more then life itself. I prefer threading, but will do AIM if the situation requires it.

In general, I'm willing to fill any lines someone may be looking for. Comment or poke me on aim at
anonpsl and we can talk. :D
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[17 Jul 2008|03:31pm]
check the journal please! thanks :).
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[17 Jul 2008|04:58pm]
I'm looking for someone to play Zack Baker (Zacky Vengeance) for a Zack/Brian PB slash psl. There's a small catch, which is that the characters would be in high school (entering their senior year), so think early A7X for the Zack and Brian PBs. If you're interested in hearing the details of the line, feel free to drop a line here or in my journal.
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[17 Jul 2008|07:24pm]
vampire!bella/edward please?
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[17 Jul 2008|07:54pm]
Have several ideas for a PSL. Would anyone be interested? We could perhaps move them in to a community later on as well. Definitely not opposed to that.

Comment here, PM or IM me on AIM @ coke zero fiend
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[17 Jul 2008|09:05pm]
Hey there!

My name is Abby (I'm 20 years old and have been roleplaying since I was 15) and I'm looking to play in a PSL on AIM:

1) Nate Archibald of Gossip Girl with Serena. I'd be playing Nate as he is portrayed on the television show and am looking for romantic storylines with either character.

It would take place after the show's season 1 has ended ideally (summer before Senior year) or it could be AU for the show, before the show, the prequel book, redoing certain parts in different ways, anything!

2) I'm also interested in playing Edward Cullen to a Bella Swan. I've lots of experience with Edward and have won an award in one of my communities for best character portrayal.

It can be post Eclipse, redoing certain parts (i.e. Edward never left in New Moon or came back early), post Breaking Dawn, Vampire Bella and Human Edward... I'm open to suggestions!

Reply through a comment here or over AIM (arrayofcolours).
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[17 Jul 2008|09:47pm]
Anyone interested in a The Host line ? Mel/Jared or Ian/Wanda?
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[17 Jul 2008|11:11pm]
someone against my pete het or slash
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