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WANTED DESPERATELY! [17 Jan 2008|06:04am]

currently only one psl i'm searching for with quite a few ideas line up.

remember "the wish" in season 3? would if giles never smashed that amulet and alternate reality remained the same? would if cordy was killed off before she could tell giles this wasn't exactly their world? it would be interesting to develop a relationship between a tomboy buffy and a timid angel.
angel loses his soul after one night of bliss with buffy. unleashing the dark angelus, his persistent to make buffy's life miserable and even exceeds to disturbing actions that gets buffy pregnant.
okay. this one is actually a faith/angel storyline, but because of the idea i'm classifying it as buffy/angel. this would take place in the episode "who are you" in season 4 of buffy. would if faith succeeded on taking buffy's body, ignored the report about vampires invading a church, and decided to take that plane? would if she took that plane to los angeles where she portray buffy to grow intimate with angel and whatever other sinister schemes she has swimming in her mind?

i require rp sample, but in turn, i have some of my buffy over at [info]wittycomeback i'm kind of picky who i choose to psl with. i'm not a bitch about it. i'm just looking for quality and depth.

love buffy? check out my group storyline over at [info]dust_till_dawn hundreds of characters needed and we may have an opening for angel.

also comment here if interested, or email me at
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[17 Jan 2008|01:08pm]
[info]spotted Gossip Girl PSL
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No scene kids. [17 Jan 2008|11:25pm]
Im looking for a slash psl for my Zack, if anyone's interested just comment here or IM me on wtf zackyv
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[ viewing | January 17th, 2008 ]
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