June 10th, 2018



[No Subject]

Hello again everyone! I won't make any promises about character limits or whatever-the-heck because that just doesn't seem to be a wise thing to do. Anyway! This is Jeff!

• aka Verity (formally known as the Mad Hatter in the Wonderland crew)
• Powers include Lie Detection, Enhanced Memory, Mental Manipulation and Bitterness because as a kid he wanted to be a Super and live out a similar power fantasy
• Will chat your ear off or will have earbuds in and DO NOT DISTURB, there is no in-between
• Tea fanatic
• Do not trust him
• Was briefly in the Maine facility before his transfer
• V. smart but overburdened by knowledge (quite literally) and things he can't forget or repress. Headaches are common, very woe.

I think that's it! He's up for all the plots. And, as per usual, the rest of my bananas roster is available for stuff too! ♥