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Crescendo [29 Dec 2011|01:39am]
The Game
The year is 1981. Voldemort is still at large. The Order is hunting down Horcruxes. Sirius Black isn't in Azkaban. The Potters aren't dead. And The Longbottom's are nowhere near being admitted to St. Mungo's because of those damn Lestranges. Why not? Because we decided to throw canon out the window and re-write the story for ourselves and it's been one Hell of a story so far and it's only going to get better!

Over at Crescendo, we believe in letting you, the writer, determine where the plot goes based on character interaction and plots, so literally anything can happen. We believe in giving you the freedom to let things develop naturally, instead of trying to force your characters into a small box to make things work with what happened in the books. We've been open for nearly six months and we don't plan on going anywhere, so come on over, take a seat, and drive the plot a bit to see where you can take us next.
Current Events
Voldemort and his Death Eaters are doing their best to stir up terror to get the resistance against them to stop. Katherine Rosier is doing all that she can so Millicent Bagnold will be recalled as Minister, including murdering members of her own family who are sullying the family name, so Voldemort can take over, she can clear Bellatrix's name, and so a Rosier can become Minister. Alice Longbottom accidentally killed Alecto Carrow in battle. Bellatrix Lestrange is running the Ministry, unknown to anyone, because she is the puppet master controlling Minister Bagnold. Voldemort is on to Regulus and has a plan to kill the Potters, steal Neville, and to get his hands on the prophecy. Most of the characters are in hiding and hating it, leading them to come up with creative ways to kill Voldemort, not to mention, the Order knows about the Horcruxes thanks to one Regulus Black, and they've already destroyed one all because the Lovegoods are B.A.M.F.'s and they need to find the rest!
The Players
We're currently seeking dedicated writers who are interested in character development, participating in game-wide plots, changing canon through their actions and interactions, and truly exploring the 'what-ifs' of the HP-Verse that canon ruined for us.
Coming Soon
Bellatrix Lestrange is going to screw Voldemort over, clear her own name, and take over the Ministry so she can finally have the 'right' side in charge, without all of Voldemort's little terror games slowing things down. Voldemort is going to try to kill Rodolphus and Bellatrix's child, force Narcissa to take the Dark Mark, and try to get Regulus to turn over his own brother to be killed. Not only will he be pissing off his own followers but the entire Order is ready to kill him, so it's only a matter of time before both sides come together to take him down or for one to finally stand up to him and try to kill his ass.

Things are going to be very interesting soon, however, in order for these things to be as kick-ass as we want them to be, we need a few characters. Our most wanted characters are: Severus Snape, Lily & James Potter, Xenophilius Lovegood, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Cassidy Longbottom, Michael Brown, and a whole bunch more! Not to mention, poor Regulus really needs him someone to drag him out of that damn closet he's hiding in.
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Payback RPG [29 Dec 2011|10:30am]

Payback is a Harry Potter, Next-Gen game set in 2027. It's primarily a social game, with a game-wide plot that will be advanced from time to time. Much of the plot specifics will be determined by in-game character interactions and player input.
On Jan 1st, 2027 the Daily Prophet revealed a new column called The Karma Files. Penned by an anonymous source, the Karma Files divulged gossip and secrets of the juiciest sort. At first, the column was amusing. Little tidbits that made life...interesting, to say the least. All around London, witches and wizards were all talking about the column. But then, the secrets started to get darker, and it became obvious that the author of the Karma Files has a grudge against the Wizarding World. The more dangerous the column becomes, the more everyone wonders: Are the sins of the parents going to be visited upon the next generation?


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