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[01 Feb 2011|11:15am]
It was three years ago that the world watched while on every news channel, vampires came out. Those creatures thought to be myth, legend, something out of horror movies, novels. Now were proclaiming their existence, and thanks to their own advances in medicine, were demanding fair and equal treatment as citizens of the world. The world, was changed, and it wasn't about to stop any time soon.

Within the last three years, the world has seen vampires as citizens, a shifter vaccine for those were creatures still hidden among us, passing as humans, the legalization of raising zombies, new police forces to deal with new crimes and new kinds of criminals. No place is immune to this new world, its eyes forced open to the supernatural going on around it. New churches that can promise eternity with a bite, new protests over the dead not staying dead, new prejudices continuing the age old tradition of Us vs. Them.

Here in the city of Refrain, it is no different. You can choose to accept and find your place in this new world, dealing with those things most were happy to turn a blind eye to, ignoring those eyes staring at you from the dark of night. Or you can protest, you can rail against the changes, you can continue ignoring them. However, there is no going back. Vampires are recognized citizens of the world. Were creatures exist and are among us. Zombies can be raised for fun or profit. Magic. Is real. Adapt, quickly, because there's no telling what is out there in the shadows that have made it a Dark Refrain.

Dark Refrain is a mature roleplay based off of the world of the Anita Blake novels. Non canon characters only, with no word count, where writers can feel free to develop their characters at their pace within a world where the supernatural is out of the closet and now part of every day life.

**Opens at 10 Ads**

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Eidolon City [01 Feb 2011|07:44pm]

Looking for a Rosaline

Rosaline is a woman who knows what you want. She's an incredibly good judge of things, and a quick study. Therefore...she's just the woman you're looking for. She's the woman everyone is looking for. She can adapt to just about any situation, pulling out a persona that will fit with the needs of whoever is in her company. She's a chameleon.

She also had a boss, once upon a time - and Rosaline isn't a woman who does well playing second fiddle. And so she betrayed her employer, her boss, selling her out to the mob and setting her up for a fatal downfall. Only, as it played out, she only swapped one employer for another, as the Syndicate themselves took over. Things crashed and burned - and the woman she thought was dead rose from the ashes. Now, Rosaline needs to plan her next move.

Could you be the one to help her make it?

About Us

Eidolon City is a newly revamped and re-opened noir-themed game in a 1940s setting seeking players in a vast number of different roles, from mobsters to policemen, business owners of every stripe, and everything in between. We've got room for Dreamers, the characters that provide the dreamscape. Into something a little more fanciful? Our Aspect system allows you to adapt a concept from existing fairytales, fables, or myths as a noir-centric character, with plenty of room to rework your concept as the game goes. We actively encourage character-driven changes to the larger setting of the game, from owning notable landmarks to vying for power among the crime syndicates and police.

Unsure about what kind of character to play? We have examples to help you get started, and a list of wanted characters and frameworks for characters to help you get right into the game with personal plots and connections! Don’t be shy, come take a look!


We're just getting started here with a re-opening, the game should start very soon! We just need a few more people before we open our doors up wide! We've re-worked the entire concept, and have created a setting that's easy to come into and get involved with! What we're looking for are police officers, mob bosses, bar/club owners, and family connections to accepted characters! Take a look around, any business listed that doesn't specifically have an owner is open for you to create them! Have ideas for a business of your own? We're happy to have it! Got a character that you haven't had a place for? See how they work here! Coming in and getting involved is easy!

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