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[31 Jan 2011|02:42am]
Ridgeway Resort
Have you ever been sitting in front of your television, or in a movie theater, wondering what it would be like to meet the people flickering over the screen?

In the lush surrounds of Ridgeway valley we make your dreams come true!

Come down to Ridgeway Resort, where you can see all your favorite characters in person! And go home feeling all warm and fuzzy inside with memories that will last a life time.
Ridgeway Resort is a multi-fandom RPG, or panfandom if you will, that brings original characters together with canon characters. If you wish to have an OC it may be a guest or an employee, though if they are an employee they must have a fandom from which they originated. OC guests can only stay a few months before they must depart back to their home. Ridgeway is a pricey joint, having all these fictional characters on the payroll is expensive, and would cause even Scrooge McDuck to go bankrupt if he were to stay for too long!

The only restrictions we have on the OCs are the play-bys for the guests. If there is someone playing a character(s) that is using a specific PB you may not choose that one. We can't have the original character guests looking like the canon characters, when it's the point of the resort for the guests to travel to the resort to see their favorite fictional characters. That would be a little too odd. Not that we don't welcome weird moments, we love those! But that would be just a little to much on some fragile psyches.

If you enjoy the experience and want to become a permanent part of our happy little resort, you're welcome to apply for one of the cannon characters that are not taken, or take a swing at making an original character from a fandom. Any fandoms are welcome, we simply ask for a fleshy play-by rather than a cartoon or 3D one-to keep the players around you comfortable.
Under New Management!
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