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Back March 14th, 2012 Forward
headlessmodsman [userpic]
Washington Irving Academy

[info]wiacademymods - [info]wiacademy - [info]wiacademyooc

The area of Sleepy Hollow in lower New York is no stranger to trouble. Especially not of the magical kind. It is even a part of Muggle legend, though heavily re-written, and one that is studied in Muggle Schools around the country. A fanciful tale with intrigue, love, lust, mystery, and ghosts, it is a well-beloved tale from the area.

The real story is even worse. It isn’t enough that the Horseman is a real entity, seeking vengeance for a mysterious past wrong. The school’s own tragic history is almost a mere blip on the radar in the grand scheme of things. With a headmistress who is seeking to quell the spirits of the school for her own purposes, what can the students do?

Perhaps the question should rather be: What wouldn’t the students do to get their school back?

Most Wanted:
Muggle haters, hipsters, punks, troublemakers, Van Rippers, goths, All American Jocks, Quodpot and Quidditch players, Cheerleaders of all types, Pureblood fanatics, and any character on our wanted page!

Back March 14th, 2012 Forward