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Back December 29th, 2009 Forward
X-2012 an AU X-men game

The world was reborn

It was just over a year ago that a solar flare activated the X-gene and created mutants. Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr opened the Xavier Haven for these newly gifted individuals, but found themselves facing more challenges than they anticipated. A mutant riot pushed Senator Kelly's Mutant Registration Bill through Congress, the Sentinel Project is soon to launch, and the rogue mutant Sabretooth is attacking his own kind. The X-Men and Acolytes are both recruiting, what will you do in this new world? Join us and help build the future!

Most Wanted: Banshee, Beast, Cyclops Freakshow, Gunthries, Havok, Mystique, Nightcrawler, more X-Men, Acolytes and OCs

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Back December 29th, 2009 Forward