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Back December 3rd, 2009 Forward

Traversing Time: Heroes Roleplay



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There is a time to learn.

Time to grow.

Time to change.

Time to kill.

And that time is now. Twenty years into the future, things are different. Things aren't what they used to be or what they should be. Nathan Petrelli is president. The secrets the Company kept have been blown wide open for the public to see and for the government to use. Everyone has an ability. The power is cheap, used and normal.

It's all about the power. Who has it and who knows how to use it. The government has succeeded in creating an elite group of super-powered soldiers. They are 'affectionately' called the 'Supers' by the public. The Supers are the governments weapon against any opposing force and it makes them unstoppable, free to do whatever they want. Who could stop them?

To keep their experiments under control, each Super has a chip implanted into their brain and only the president has access to these chips, only the president can control the Supers. Security, the government calls it. Imprisonment, is how the Supers see it. But their duty is to their country and to the president. They are to protect the innocent and destroy the corrupt. Little do they know that their dear president is a serial killer known as Sylar in disguise and he has the power to make them do whatever he wants, to kill whoever he wants.

Except some of the Supers have found a way to destroy the chip. Rumor is the Rebellion is behind it, that they discovered a 'loop hole'. Scientists are suggesting a malfunction. Whatever the reason, it's made Sylar edgy. Some of the most powerful people are now on the Rebellion's side and they're not afraid of taking the fight to him. But the Rebellion has a better idea.

To defeat the Sylar of the future, they must go and find him in the past, before he became Sylar. No one knows who the man used to be but there are whispers, things their parents told them, clues that will lead them to find the man before he became a monster. Time travel is tricky, delicate and dangerous. But there is no other choice. Sylar has to be stopped.

How far back will they have to go to defeat him?

Can they truly change the future or is destiny unstoppable?

And what will they do when one of their own betrays them?

Join the heroes and the villains as they traverse through time.

Back December 3rd, 2009 Forward