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Back June 10th, 2009 Forward



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You wake up to the smell of smoke.

In the year 2008, a virus swept North America. Ever vigilant for a pandemic, citizens boarded up their windows, stockpiled their canned goods, and turned their neighbors in to the CDC. Short wave radios fell off the shelves, evacuation routes were prepared. Gas masks and specialty filtration systems were distributed. Pills were available for those showing early symptoms. Pills that did not work. That were later replaced with cyanide as their active ingredient. For those who were brave enough to put their fingers near a loved one's mouth. The United States, Canada, Mexico, the virus swept down into South America and festered in the heat of the jungle. In some places it burned out. Superstition ruled and saved lives. But nothing stopped the virus.

You wake up to the crackle of dead airwaves.

Three months after the first diagnosed case of Currere Excessum was recorded, NATO approved Great Britain's use of nuclear force against the United States. It was assumed that all organic material would be reduced to ash under the impact. It was assumed that the Quarantine of the Americas would be temporary, at best. Any who survived the blast would be given the highest in humanitarian attention and medical care. The only American emissaries who knew of the plan lay incinerated in Washington. The Quarantine continued. The Americas lay abandoned. Empty.

(read more....)

- Supportive of both personal and game-wide plots.
- We have a list of wanted characters made for your convenience.
- There are plenty of in-game activities to provide opportunities for personal character development.
- NC-17 friendly, which also means the game is for players eighteen years of age or over. No exceptions.
- Slash, femme-slash and het friendly.
- Open minded newcomers to help implement important secret plot. Contact the mods!
- Radio Ops

Mods [userpic]
Light of May

On May 1st, 2009, nation leaders spoke together to reveal a truth to the world: the supernatural world is real. Vampires, werewolves, and more exist. They have been known to the government for a long time, and now they are coming out of the shadows - and they come with a message. They are not a threat. They mean no danger to humans. But there are other things out there that do.

The days that followed changed everything most people believed they knew about the world, about history, and most importantly, about themselves. Celebrities, politicians, the family down the street - they began revealing their true identities, and telling the world what they really were. Missing people that had been turned against their will came out of hiding, and orginizations popped up to reunite them with their families. The revealing of the supernatural was penned in the media as the Light of May, as society made room for the supernatural.

It wasn't easy. Many, human and supernatural alike, were terrified of what this would mean. Some wanted to keep the supernatural abominations down. Leading figures of both Democratic and Republican parties were revealed to be supernaturals themselves, and joined together to fight for civil rights for the supernatural. It is revealed that if the supernatural were wiped out, half of the entire world's population would be gone. Independent parties popped up through-out the country, opposing supernatural rights, and the fight goes on. But those aren't the only battles being fought.

Why did the Light of May happen? If the supernatural has always existed, why are they only making themselves known now? For centuries, those with supernatural blood have been hunted, held, and killed - all for the benefits of their blood to hunters, and vampires who don't want to play by the rules of etiquette. There was a time when the angels, and even the fae, fought to protect them. But the fae have been extinct for hundreds of years, and worse - the angels seem to have disappeared. There is nothing fighting the demons of the world at bay now. The human race is at risk, and they are not alone.

The Light of May is an original supernatural game, taking place in a time when the world is adjusting to the world that has been hidden since the beginning of time. The game is set in Ann Arbor, Michigan, centered around a fictional township called Scarlet Oak. Characters of many races are up for play, as are those trusty humans. The Light of May will be focusing on characters adjustments and the eventual struggle against demons, hunters, and more.

The Light of May is for original characters only. Pre-existing fandom characters will not be allowed. The game has just launched to the public, and not yet started officially. Don't miss your chance to be there from the beginning!

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Back June 10th, 2009 Forward