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Back May 25th, 2009 Forward

Mount Desert Island ; A Supernatural Game
Set on the incredibly picturesque Mount Desert Island (the largest island of the coast of Maine) in a world that may have some small and dramatic differences from our own world - the main one being that vampires walk among us at night and have come public about their existence & lycanthropy is a pathogen that the CDC tracks and is mentioned from time to time on CNN. While humans struggle to come to terms with this knowledge, other creatures that most believe are just works of fiction are contemplating making themselves known as well, while others are comfortable in the shadows. As the game begins characters will likely be affected (or at least might have reaction to) both local and national events that will help shape game wide plot.

Premise | Rules & Guidelines | Taken/Held | Wanted | Application

Welcome to Horrorwood
Rules | Application | Taken
Reserved | Locations | Accepted/Banned

You wake up disoriented and in an abandoned theatre. The large and empty screen ahead is your only source of light as you try to figure out how and why you’ve arrived here. Your last recollection before your dreamless night was lying down in your bed and drifting off to sleep. You thought you were safe.

As you make your way to the outside you notice the sky a gloomy overcast that’s threatening rain, but the weather isn’t what bothers you; it’s that concrete wall surrounding the premises that has you worried. In the distance you can spot four tall buildings and even an Amusement Park, yet, as you continue to explore, any trace of an exit seems almost impossible. You’re trapped here.

Walking further you suddenly hear a disembodied cry of something horrible; something deadly, and it sounds hungry. Adrenaline pumping through your veins you stop and look for the source of the noise, but can’t find anything. You continue to walk forward, thinking it’s all in your head, thinking maybe you’re being paranoid, but another retching scream calls out; now it’s right behind you. And suddenly you realize that the threat is real and you better be quick on your feet if you plan to survive.

“Horrorwood” is a panfandom horror roleplay that takes place in an alternate city very similar to that of Hollywood, California, with the exception that the place has been barricaded from the outside world and is crawling with all too real monsters. Good guys, and even the bad guys, wake up to find themselves trapped and relying desperately on their keen survival instincts.

You’ll make friends, or you’ll make enemies, but be careful who you decide to befriend. The monsters aren’t the worst ones out to get you.

[info]horrorwood | [info]horrorcomm | [info]justamovie

Sickleshire: Harry Potter AU


Lord Voldemort attempted to attack Godric's Hollow to prevent the prophecy from being fulfilled; but, when the Order was tipped off about his plan, they were able to warn the Potters before Lord Voldemort could get to them. Instead, Lord Voldemort found himself face to face with Albus Dumbledore when he arrived at the village. Lord Voldemort, refusing to lose, lashed out with a violent curse that severely wounded both himself and Dumbledore. But when the attack did not kill the older wizard, the weakened Dark Lord ordered a mysterious lurker to finish off Dumbledore.

With Albus Dumbledore gone, the Wizarding World waited with baited breath for Lord Voldemort to rise to power. Months passed and there was no sign of the Dark Lord's return. Rumors of his death spread like a wildfire and many attempted to gain back what they had lost to fear. Only the Order of the Phoenix remained suspicious and vigilant.
Many have started to regain the lost normalcy in their lives. Nevertheless, unbeknownst to the peace-seeking Wizarding World, a devious plot has been set into motion; one that will tear down the foundation of Wizardry and bring about the second war.

The game begins in May 1983.
OPENED 11 MAY 2009
Small but growing!

Back May 25th, 2009 Forward