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Back April 20th, 2009 Forward
Fandom Dressing Room

FANDOM DRESSING [info]fandomdressing

A lounge. A bar. A break room. Fandom Dressing exists as a place outside of time and space. It's a gathering point for all those muses who are looking for a place to just relax and talk to those who wander on by.

Fandom Dressing is a low pressure dressing room, designed to allow players the opportunity to test new muses, refresh old ones, and play with their current crew in a brand new setting. It is open to any kind of muse you can think of, and the object of the community is to just have fun.

So what are you waiting for?


No applications required. This is a dressing room, so any characters are welcome. All you have to do it post to the community.

As this is a dressing room, you are likely to find a wide range of characters from a variety of fandoms, including AU versions and original characters. If you aren't willing to put up with these, then this may not be the best kind of setting to play in.

There is no limit as to the numbers of each character that may exist here. However, it would be appreciated if players could at least place basic details about their character in their journal profile. Their name and fandom, at least. If they are an AU version, then details about any significant changes would be welcome, but are not compulsory.

Wank. Your characters may hate each other. It may be canon. It may have come up during your time playing here. But remember the IC/OOC divide. What's true to your character stays with your character. Don't make things personal. It's just common courtesy.

Mod contact: If there is an issue that arises that cannot be handled ooc, you are welcome to contact the mod journal for help. However, please only use it as a last resort. Suspensions and bans are words I'd rather avoid indefinitely.


Currently Casting | Casting Studio | Application | Rules | Quadrivium RPG

“The Road goes ever on and on down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, and I must follow, if I can, pursuing it with eager feet, until it joins some larger way where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? I cannot say.” –J.R.R. Tolkien

Halloween, 1981, the Dark Lord Voldemort fell at the hands of one-year old Harry Potter, bringing an end to a decade long reign of terror, to the relief of the entire Wizarding World. Death Eaters were imprisoned, wounds healed, and the Wizarding World spent the next decade healing from the pain of the first war. Yet, Voldemort was not truly defeated that night. He will rise once more, bringing upon another viscous war upon the Wizarding World.

Everyone knows the story of Harry Potter, but until now, the story of what happened in between has been unknown.

It is 1990, the year before Harry Potter will discover he is a Wizard. Professor Quirrell is off to Albania where he will become a vessel for the weakened Dark Lord, Charlie Weasley and his friends are in their sixth-year at Hogwarts, and the foundation for the future is being paved.

They are at a crossroads, the road behind them broken and wilting. The road ahead lies a mystery, which paths will they chose? Who will they become? Only one thing is certain; they must continue on.

Quadrivium is a canon compliant Harry Potter Interim Era game taking place in 1990. Game opens May 09, 2009.

Most Wanted: Cedric Diggory, Marcus Flint, Hestia Jones, Terrence Higgs, Remus Lupin, Catriona and Kirley McCormack Quirinus Quirrell, Andromeda and Ted Tonks, Sybill Trelawney, Bill, Percy, and Charlie Weasley, Oliver Wood, and many others!
Back April 20th, 2009 Forward