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Back October 30th, 2008 Forward

[info]cityofhills via [info]sanfranmod
Rules & Application / Taken, Held & Pending

Our next adds are October 31st! Get those applications in! (Adds are done Tuesdays & Fridays)

City Of Hills is an aim and thread friendly PB/city based community set in San Francisco, California.

Writers of this community are promised to have control over their story lines. As long as things are kept realistic, the mod(s) will not worry about how much of whatever is going around; especially considering this is a city wide based game. If things get out of hand, the game will address the issue(s) as a whole then. Members of this community have a voice with us and their opinions and suggestions are always validated and taken into high consideration. We also will provide a lot of interactive opportunities for characters. All play by (PB) types welcome.

[info]cityofhills via [info]sanfranmod
Rules & Application / Taken, Held & Pending

Our next adds are tomorrow night! Get those applications in! (Adds are done Tuesdays & Fridays)

City Of Hills is an aim and thread friendly PB/city based community set in San Francisco, California.

Writers of this community are promised to have control over their story lines. As long as things are kept realistic, the mod(s) will not worry about how much of whatever is going around; especially considering this is a city wide based game. If things get out of hand, the game will address the issue(s) as a whole then. Members of this community have a voice with us and their opinions and suggestions are always validated and taken into high consideration. We also will provide a lot of interactive opportunities for characters. All play by (PB) types welcome.

American Idol Exposed Moderator [userpic]


[info]idolexposed -- Ever wonder what happens to your favorite contestants behind the scenes of American Idol, when the cameras are off and the lights go down? Who's hooking up with whom? Who causes drama behind the scenes, and what's the latest gossip on the set? What happens to the contestants once they've been voted off of the show, and how do they handle it offstage? American Idol Exposed has all of the answers to those questions, and more.

Do you play an AMERICAN IDOL contestant or judge, or want to, and are looking for a fun & friendly place to play that is all-Idol, all the time? THIS IS THE PLACE FOR YOU! Tons of your favorite Idol contestants from each season, still available! Check the taken list to see who is taken and who is still needed -- anyone not taken, is welcome, regardless of where they placed in their season! No writing samples to provide. Five week update limit. Adds done daily. Now open to the Top 24 contestants of any American Idol season! We are very friendly here, and will be accepting of anyone who placed in the top 24!

Pick your favorite, and join the fun today!

rocket raccoon [userpic]
Sons of Cain: A Post-Apocalyptic RPG

Starts Monday!

Sons of Cain|OOC|Mod Journal

Premise | Application
Character List | Wanted & Held | Location Info|Premise
A post-apocalyptic world where vampires are the majority, lycans roam freely, and humans are raised as cattle to feed the hungry predators. Las Vegas has changed quite a bit in the year 2033. Ready to enter the new City of Sin? This original RPG is starting up again on IJ and looking for adult players. Come and join the chaos.

Back October 30th, 2008 Forward