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Back October 28th, 2008 Forward

Kingdom of Regaling
Regaling is a cursed kingdom. Inside, there are castles towering to the sky, enchanted forests, and a host of magical creatures, but despite all of that, the kingdom is still cursed. Not just the kingdom as a whole; every single inhabitant of Regaling is born with their own curse. Some are meant to be broken, others will remain unbreakable. Regaling is one giant fairy tale. Your character will be the hero of their story, a victim in another, a love interest in the next, and maybe a villain in all the rest.

Regaling is an AU multi-fandom, ani-manga, book/movie, and video game role play with a heavy importance on character development and humor with hi-jinks!!1! versus a complicated plot. The game is set up in a loose way in the hopes that characters will be able to make the game develop without having very much set in stone. It is designed in the form of a kingdom of fairy tales, with each character assuming a role in their own story and inevitably affecting the other stories around them. The Kingdom of Regaling itself is under a curse that includes curse days, during which the majority of Regaling's inhabitants will suffer from the same basic curse (though on some curse days, players can choose if they want their characters to participate or not). It could, for example, be a day when everyone switches curses, or maybe forgets about the person they hold the most important to them. However, on the normal days (and I'm using "normal" lightly here~) each character must live with their own curse. As part of Regaling's curse, each person who enters the Kingdom of Regaling, be it by birth or travel, will have a curse placed upon them. The curse is theirs alone and, if they are lucky enough, they will find a way to break it...

× We're looking for more characters and there are plenty to be taken. :]~ Though each character has to have a PB, which the mod can help with choosing one for you if you'd like. That includes curses if you have trouble deciding on one for your character/s.

If you have any questions, just e-mail me at


[info]cityofhills via [info]sanfranmod
Rules & Application / Taken, Held & Pending

Our next adds are tonight! Get those applications in! (Adds are done Tuesdays & Fridays)

City Of Hills is an aim and thread friendly PB/city based community set in San Francisco, California.

Writers of this community are promised to have control over their story lines. As long as things are kept realistic, the mod(s) will not worry about how much of whatever is going around; especially considering this is a city wide based game. If things get out of hand, the game will address the issue(s) as a whole then. Members of this community have a voice with us and their opinions and suggestions are always validated and taken into high consideration. We also will provide a lot of interactive opportunities for characters. All play by (PB) types welcome.

[info]invaded - Group PSL needing a few more spots filled

Invitations were sent out to a group of carefully selected people to attend a month long free conference at a bed and breakfast in the countryside. Travel costs, housing, food, laundry, and other necessities would be provided for free. They were also given a new set of journals that linked together within the house to “document” their reactions to the products. Those invited were told that they would be trying out products for an anonymous company. The group was brought in, given confidentiality wavers, and then told they would have free reign of the area. It was around then that things started to get weird.

Any cell phones brought by the group quit working. Any vehicles driven to the property quit working. Communication came to a dead halt, but relatives didn’t show up or report anything.

The group is now stuck in the middle of nowhere with no idea what’s going on. Food and other such products continue to show up in the house, but the owner of the Bed and Breakfast hasn’t been seen since the first day. Unknown to the group, extraterrestrials are affecting them in a variety of ways to gather information. The extraterrestrials want to observe the group to prepare for an invasion.

What can you do when you become a human guinea pig and don't even know it?

We're almost ready to start, but a few of the early holds have vanished.

We currently need:
Human Males: 1
Human Females: 1
Aliens: 1-2 (a female might be nice, though gender doesn't count in alien holds towards caps)

The aliens, disguised as a human, will be with the test group to do first-hand observations. The aliens in the group will have a variety of options on how to stir things up. More details about the aliens can be provided to any interested parties at their request.

Back October 28th, 2008 Forward