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Back October 22nd, 2008 Forward
many_muses [userpic]

If you roleplay, please check out [info]muse_minded and help us get some discussion going, and [info]justscene for some random scening!

Mundus District :: A Multi-Fandom RPG!

::Rules::Application::Character List::Wanted Characters::Holds::Housing::
Mundus District, located in the city of London.....Ontario.
Odd and strange things have been happening in the district. Its been receiving new tennents...they just don't know it yet.

All over the world, people have been falling asleep in their homes, only to wake up in a new apartment, on a street they don't recognize.

No one seems to know why, but who would really care? London is a wonderful place, just off of Lake Huron. The rooms have everything they need, and the city is full of fun and interesting things to do.

Bars, casinos, fine dining, ample employment....what will you do with your stay in Mundus District?

Began on September 15th! Many characters are wanted from different fandoms, including: The Master (Doctor Who), Martha Jones (Doctor Who), Donna Noble (Doctor Who), Sarah-Jane Smith (Doctor Who), Mickey Smith (Doctor Who), Sam Tyler (Life on Mars), Hiro Nakamura (Heroes), Noah Bennett (Heroes), Sam Winchester (Supernatural), Angel (Buffy), Spike (Buffy), Harry Potter, Cedric Diggory (Harry Potter), Chad Danforth (HSM), Sharpay Evans (HSM), Taylor McKessie (HSM), Peter Pan, Commodore Norrington (PotC), and MANY MORE! Come check us out!

FutureWarts RPG

"Today the bodies of seven wizards, four witches, and three female muggles were found in late stages of decomposition in Godrick's Hollow.....The Wizards and Witches are known to be such via the broken wands placed within their hands, now clutched desperately by nearly skeletal remains."

There's a time to remember, a time to forget, and a time to let go.
...Is Hogwarts really as safe as everyone hopes? Or is this generation just as doomed as the last?

Game is soon to open, we need a few more people.

Back October 22nd, 2008 Forward