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tabakat [userpic]
Pimping Fiction Asylums/Challenges

Have you ever, wanted to do a big bang challenge ( a long one-shot fic, over a set period of time) but have not had the time, or perhaps not been able to come up with a long enough story?

I would like to introduce you to [info]t_31_bang. A big-bang for those who don't have time. The word limit is 5000,there is no maximum and the the time limit is 20 days. Think of it as a Mini Big-Bang. The best part is this asylum is not a one time deal. It is cyclical. Prompts will be accepted, and a new challenge issued each month. If you don't like the one for one month, submit your prompts and join in when you do like the challenge! It is a multi-fandom, multi-genre, and multi-ship friendly asylum! The Second Round Assignments for this asylum are currently going, you have until Midnight July 9/10 EST to sign up. There are 103 prompts spanning an amazing 39 fandoms this round, come join us, challenge yourself.

Uninterested in having your prompts given to you, but want a place where you can post any and all fan fiction you have written, within a few simple rules? Then [info]multi_fiction is the place for you. It is a multi fandom, fan fiction asylum. We accept, het, slash, femme slash, general, and most other colors of the rainbow, as well as all ratings.

Character List | Rules | FAQs | PBs | Application

Long after Harry Potter defeated Lord Voldemort, life flourished. The children of the war grew into adults, having their own children, grandchildren... Life went on peacefully.

Unlike the Dark Lord defeated those many years previously, most people embraced death, "the last great adventure."

Entering purgatory, a door revealed itself to the left, allowing them access to Utopia, a world where their souls could happily carry out existence for the rest of eternity.

However, not everybody saw the door on the left. Others only saw the door on the right, plunging them into a world of eternal darkness and depravity.

It goes without saying that those cast into the Inferno are desperate to get to the other side.

Full Premise

Equilibrium is a game that takes place in the afterlife, set long after the epilogue of Deathly Hallows. All characters from any era, ever mentioned in the books, are available for play.


Salazar Slytherin, THE TRIO, Godric Gryffindor, Albus Dumbledore, James Potter, Lily Potter, Death Eaters, and more...

rocket raccoon [userpic]
Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG

Newly Opened!
Tons of Available Characters!
Check Our Wanted List!
Great Players! Attentive Mods!
Super Activity!
Adds Done As Apps Come In!
Apply Today!


Far off in another universe a Planet has become a little lonely. To satisfy it's need for company, it has begun taking beings from all times and places and dumping them in the middle of a resort in it's center. These beings will be forced to interact with each other while attempting to adapt to their new environment.


Mirage . Mirage OOC .Mirage Mods

Rules . Q & A . Application

Guidelines . Friend Add . Character List

Classifieds . Room Assignments . Helpful Links

Introduction . Contact Info . Resort Info

More Resort Info . Taken/Held/Banned . Promoting

Affiliates . Mod Email

About the Game

Game Rating: NC-17
Age Limits: 17+
Slash/Smut Friendly

Forgotten Gods Mod Journal [userpic]
Forgotten Gods

About / Rules / Cast List / Held / Wanted / FAQ / Resources / Apply

What happens to the old gods, once their temples have crumbled and their believers have abandoned them? Do they die, forsaken, alone? Or do they remain, still wandering the world, immortal, surviving off what little belief they can gather?

Forgotten Gods follows the lives of these old deities, brought to America long ago by explorers or immigrants from their homelands and eventually abandoned or lost from memory. As their worshippers moved on to new religions, the gods' powers waned - for a god, at its most pure essence, is no more than an idea, and an idea is worthless if there is nobody to believe in it. Some have passed, forgotten, from the world, while others have fallen into madness. Some have simply tried to adapt, to make a life for themselves in this place without gods, getting by on what little scraps of worship and belief they can garner. Others are more radical, attempting to regain the power that was once theirs, to revive their followings.

And then there are the New Gods. Gods of cars and computers, television and radio, cities and highways, all those things that modern Americans put their faith in. They are young, at the height of their power. These newcomers are regarded dismissively by some of the older gods, who have seen so many new deities rise and fall in their time; jealously by others, who wish to reclaim the power for their own; and by all with a deep wariness.

Inspired by the world of Neil Gaiman's American Gods, this game invites players to step into the roles of deities, old and new, to create their own modern mythology.

Now Open.

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Opening Soon!

Most Wanted: Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, James Potter, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Lily Evans, Bellatrix Lestrange, Nymphadora Tonks, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Pansy Parkinson, and more!




Mirror Characters




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Do you ever get tired of searching game after game, trying to find a place to play your character, only to find them taken?

Have you ever joined a game you were excited about, only to have it die a few weeks later, leaving you with a homeless character that couldn't possibly fit anywhere else?

Welcome to [info]shards_of_time.

We are a game devoted to giving you a place to play that character, whether they're dead or alive in canon. There is no limit to how many Mirror Versions of a character can exist, and better yet, it isn't a purely social game - it is developed around an actual plot. If you've ever wanted to play a character in an alternate universe game, but was never able to find a game that fit, we're the place for you.

A rip in time has occurred underneath the Ministry, and suddenly what could've been is very, very real.

Now Accepting Applications!

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