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Back May 7th, 2008 Forward

A Rift in Time )
Premise Taken Application
Holds Wanted Rules

Supernatural beings have always lived among humans.
They hid among humans in plain sight unconcerned with
being found out. There was a force that always kept
the humans blind to these beings' very nature. That
protection seems to be unraveling though. It is slow
going for now, but there are humans left and right
noticing the world around them as if for the first time.
Some may stay silent to what their eyes see…while others
may not.

Premise Races Taken Application
Holds Wanted Orginizations Rules and FAQ

Pandemansion a Panfandom RPG

The gods are up to no good again. A large conference was called, many showed up, many others deemed it not worth their precious time. The proceedings were long, drawn out and arguments were had. Many plans were drawn up, discussed, thrown out and redone. One plan was finally agreed upon.

A plan that would change the course of a chosen few of their followers.

All the worlds, all the times, beings could feel the pull. The mansion called, beckoned them to a time in paradise, held them within the confines of the island. Here only the mansion ruled, ever changing, ever listening, and all knowing.

Welcome to Pandemansion.

[Wanted Characters][Mansion Layout][Application][Taken/Held Characters][PB Table][Posting Guidelines][Rules][FAQs][Taken Rooms][Timeline][Contact Info (FO)][Friend Add (FO)][On Hiatus (FO)]

Our start date was March 14. We're still accepting holds and applications, so do come and join the madness! Small plots will be added every few day changes so there will always be something to do.

Adds to be done 05/08/08!

[[info]pandemod - Mod Journal][[info]pandemansion - Main RPG Community][[info]pandemansionooc - OOC Community][[info]pandenpc - NPC Journal]

Equinox: A Twilight RPG

“You're not a magnet for accidents — that's not a broad enough classification. You are a magnet for trouble. If there is anything dangerous within a ten-mile radius, it will invariably find you." - Edward Cullen, Twilight

The worst was finally behind them. Victoria and her army of newborn vampires were finally defeated. High school had officially come to a close and graduation had come and gone. Now what Bella Swan left to look forward to? Well there was the matter of her upcoming nuptials to Edward Cullen and, more importantly to her, her promised transformation once the wedding had gone through. Everything was falling into place, at least it seemed.

However, nothing involving Bella Swan ever goes that smoothly.

Equinox is an RPG that takes place directly after the main events in Eclipse.

Many characters are still open including members of the Denali clan and the Volturi. We are particularly in need of Angela Weber, Charlie Swan, Embry Call, Rebecca Black, Sam Uley and Tanya.

( Timeline ) ( Characters ) ( Rules ) ( Application ) ( Contact ) ( Questions )

Initium Mods [userpic]

- Rules. - Available/Taken. - Canon Application. - OC Application. - PB List. - Friend Button. -

Initium is a new beginning. Lord Voldemort is dead and the wizarding world is picking up the pieces left in his wake. The muggle-born registration has ended and they no longer live in hiding. The ministry is no longer in turmoil. Hogwarts is reopening. All is right with the world?

In the wake of Lord Voldemorts demise, the death eaters have claimed to be Imperiused or otherwise coerced into service in his name. Some have been released into society, now better citizens. Among that group was Rodolphus Lestrange. He has become very active in the ministry and is considering a run for political office, standing up for the order, doing what is right in society. Things are not always as they appear. The death eaters have reformed underground and are quietly building their army again under Lestrange's guidance, unbeknownst to the world.

Meanwhile Hogwart's is flourishing. Due to the disasters of the last year, the students have been invited back for a proper 7th year and a proper education. It is a shortened year but it gives then the opportunity to make up what they missed and take the exams that will help them continue on into their careers. The parents think that it is a good idea, especially those of muggleborn children who had to leave the school last year. The DA is a welcome organization and the students may feel free to join. It isn't hidden but honored. Below the surface though, the DE children will also organize and will build again. Leading in the seventh year, they are now pushed underground but they never stay there for long.

Initium is an intricately woven game where spies for either side, run rampant as battle lines are again drawn. Each side, both in the wizarding world and at school are gearing up for yet another round. Who will win in the new world is anybody's guess.

Click me to see who is needed! )

Back May 7th, 2008 Forward