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Back April 6th, 2008 Forward
Quaesitis Academy

FACT: Supernatural Beings are not a myth
FACT: They live among us
FACT: Vampires, shapeshifters, witches, elementals, psychics - all of them are here. Now.

The world at large is aware that there is more to life than humanity - they've known this for a long time. Human rights are more 'species rights', vampires walk amongst us, werewolves have PC terminology. Their children are educated with our children - sharing this world in harmony is the key - though we seem, still, to be a way off of that.

For all the world has been aware of the preternatural for hundreds, if not thousands, of years, the world is far from peaceful in this regard (much like in every other regard). It's getting to be a hostile environment in some countries, and the world is collectively holding it's breath as things seem to be in a time of change. Supernatural legislation is being accused of being too harsh, and both shifters and vampires both want their respective species to no longer be considered diseases and be recognized as proper races and peoples. Experimentation on the supernatural has also been going strong and people are moving to have it halted, as much of it is harmful or seems to be. There are large groups of people boycotting a company which has boasted it's tireless search for a 'cure' for everything, stating it could be used as weaponry against them as a people at large. It's motivations are publicly pure, but the implications and morality are being challenged. (note: so far they haven't 'cured' anything.)

In the midst of this lies a school with national independence. Quaesitis Academy.

The Academy is not the only school of its kind - serving, as it does, both preternatural beings and 'normal' humans, but it is considered the top of them all. It's the oldest established, and has a long, detailed history and still remains strong today. It's the only one of it's kind with national autonomy, keeping it's roots deeply in the idea that they are there for the world, not for one part of it. Getting into the school or graduating from it will open doors for a person world wide. It's often thought that if a student comes from there--they can go anywhere and do anything they want. It's the epitome of prestigious. Contrary to it's popularity and the millions they could be making on opening the school up for larger numbers, the school also maintains it's motives towards it's students. The school presumably will eternally remain small, allowing all of it's students a very hands on, interactive learning environment. No one falls through the cracks here, and they mean to keep it that way.

They take a variety of students - from the rich kids that can pay their way, to the children who are court-ordered to attend, taking in the orphans of previous pupils along the way. The mix of students is wide, considering the age range - the last two years of coollege, plus a three year university course. It attempts to be a world of its own, secluded as it is on a Carribean island, but the world has a way of interferring...
Quaelitis Acaedemy in a brand new, original roleplay based around a high school and university catering for students aged 16-21!

We're looking for well-thought-out, well-written and above all balanced original characters.

This is not a fandom game

World View | The Rules | Game Information

Character Types | Character List |

FAQs | Ask a Question | Application Form


Time of Trial Banner made by Kacey

Rules-Character List-Format-Application-Sample Application-Plot-Game Facts-Played-Bys-Backstory-Icon&PB Sources


What if the Prophecy that made Harry Potter the 'Boy who lived' hadn't been given to the Dark Lord? What if a falsified Prophecy had been passed to him instead?

In 1980, Severus Snape overheard a prophecy about the person with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord. However, before he could hand over this knowledge to Voldemort- he was apprehended by Dumbledore. Knowing that Severus Snape could never betray Lily Evans, he convinced him not to pass on the Prophecy. Instead, using the knowledge that Severus Snape was an excellent Occlumens, they managed to create a false prophecy- one about the Dark Lord rising to power in the future, however, they don't say when. It is open ended, but the Dark Lord believes his only inside man at Hogwarts. He has no choice. Though he has been convicted of unspeakable crimes, he manages to disappear. He travels the world- studying anything he can in every country from Romania to Albania. Awaiting the day he will rise to ultimate power.

The terror stops. Lily and James Potter have their son, Harry James. The Wizarding World is at peace once more. This group of wizards that caused terror earlier seem to have disbanded. However, they are merely lying in wait. Only meeting in secret once every few years to see who has remained faithful- those who have not mysteriously 'disappear'. It is at the Qudditch World Cup when these blood supremacist decide to ultimately make themselves known. They attack the camp outside the stadium. They Auror's aren't quick enough to apprehend them. The only thing that's left is the horrible green mark hanging in the sky. While Tom Riddle is their ultimate suspect, they have no proof. He has not yet "Returned" from his study abroad.

When he does, Dumbledore is ready. The man who returns to Hogwarts to apply for the Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor is charming, and brilliant. Dumbledore hires him on the spot- what better way to watch your enemy then by keeping them under your own roof? Dumbledore is certain that he will not run again, and if he is the one doing these terrible things, they will catch him at the school.

The year is 1995, When Harry, Ron and Hermione return to Hogwarts. A few changes have been made to the staff over the summer, the most noticeable being the new Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor; A Mr. Tom Marvolo Riddle. His new post is widely questioned by the wizarding world; The man has been convicted of murders throughout the seventies, why would Dumbledore hire him to teach young children? Dumbledore simply plays it off saying that he has applied "twice before". That he has not been able to be convicted of anything. Mr. Riddle has, after all, been studying abroad since the 1980's, and is very knowledgeable on his subject.

Harry Potter and Tom Riddle are about to cross paths, For neither can live while the other survives...

Most Wanted: Peter Pettigrew, Arthur Weasley, Luna Lovegood, and Cho Chang among many others!

click me Dust Till Dawn.
dust till dawn is a quality post-series crossover from the two television buffy and supernatural. we are original character friendly, strive for plot, adore fresh muns, and always looking to keep the 'play' in roleplaying. be sure to take a look around and we hope you gain some interest to join.

the storyline takes place after both season of buffy and angel, and directly after the episode 'heart' in season 2 of supernatural. the setting takes place in cleveland, ohio: home of the hellmouth.

Most Wanted

Xander, Layla/Darla, Andrea/Fred, Lenore/Tara, Giles, Azazel, and lots more!

premise, apply, characters, contacts. rules, timeline, faqs, friends button, rpg, mods

Decor Quod Bestia is a quality, post series story line that takes place in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Angel fandoms. Original characters are welcome, though we tend to be a little strict on which ones make the cut. Please, if your original is turned down, don't take it personally. Feel free to try again! Our number one priority is fun here. You won't find any drama, or non-committed players here. Decor Quod Bestia is nearing its one year anniversary, and we have yet to have any problems. We're just a group of people looking to have fun, while expressing ourselves through different characters.

While fun is our number one priority, we do have a few, simple requests;
Please, be willing to dedicate some time to the story line. If you're not committed, please look elsewhere.
Be kind, and courteous to the other members of the storyline. We're all here to have fun, after all.
Try to keep your character canon. We won't try to force how to play your character down your throat, as we love creativity! But, try to keep them as canon as possible.

Thank you, and we hope that you enjoy this place as much as we do!

premise, rules, characters, application, contacts, timeline, testimonials, videos, ooc

profile layout credit

Humanity Lost: A Post Apoc/Superhero RP

It's the end of the world as we know it. Will you be able to survive?

It's the year 2013 and humans with superpowers are common place. The government had installed a registration program to keep track of these metahumans. Only problem was that most didn't take kindly to it. Banded together, metahumans rose up against the governments of the world and started a new world war. In a last ditch effort to win, the United States released a virus.

The virus killed metahumans and humans alike. When the dust settled, only a small percentage of the world's population was left. Cities were left in ruin. Now it's up to those left to continue on and try to make a life out of what is left. Who will rise up to try and make a new world? Metas or humans?

Humanity Lost is a post apocalypse roleplaying game that doesn't take place months or weeks after it happens but picks up in the direct aftermath. The group majority left standing are metahumans, humans with super human powers. If you like X-Men or other Marvel Comics, DC Comics, Heroes, The 4400, or other such fandoms, this rp might be for you. We are all original characters set in an original setting ran by friendly mods who do ads daily, not once a week like some rps. Due to the subject matter allowed, all players must be 18+.

[Game Information] [Characters] [The Mods]
[IC Community] [OOC Communuty]

Currently accepting applications

Back April 6th, 2008 Forward