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Back April 1st, 2008 Forward

Rules | Character List | Application | Contact List | Played By's

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Asphodel: Powdered root of asphodel is used in the Draught of Living Death. This plant is traditionally associated with the afterlife and the underworld.

We are living in a world of uncertainty now. Before, the only worries we truly had were whether or not we would pass our examinations or if the marauders were the ones responsible for turning everyone's hair a nice shade of lilac. But times are changing and things are getting darker out in the real world. A growing army is fast approaching; friends and family members are disappearing more often and there are a growing number of events happening that can no longer be explained easily. All done by he who dare calls himself Lord.

Asphodel is a game focused almost entirely on the war of the late 1970s that threw the entire wizarding world into chaos. With darkening themes and realistic events, it won't be for those who are faint at heart and can't bear to sit back and watch our most beloved characters thrown into the lion's den.

Set in 1979 and has just started.

Wanted Characters: Peter Pettigrew, Bellatrix Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange, Dorcas Meadowes, Mary MacDonald, Greta Catchlove, Alecto Carrow, Evan Rosier, Emmeline Vance, Lucius Malfoy, Fabian Prewett, Molly and Arthur Weasley, Ted Tonks, and Death Eaters and Order members would be fabulous...basically, almost all characters are up for grabs!

Prague. A wonderful city, beautiful in all of it's splendor. Though what the general public doesn't know... can hurt them. In the heart of the beautiful city lies the true nature. Vampires, werewolves, necromancers, and shapeshifters, not to mention a whole bunch more of other species, that clearly aren't human any longer. They've been there for a long time. They aren't going to leave, and even though their history spans longer than the city it's self, things are just getting started. The Mathias werewolf pack, and the Isline vampire coven have just recently made themselves a peace treaty. No one knows how long its going to last, and even if it will last. The Baltimore Syndicate members are becoming so greedy in their lust for domination that they chose to ignore the rise of members in the Lolea clan. The hunters are getting restless too. Everyone feels a shift in their world, and are slowly reacting to it. Even if only subconciously. It'll all come to a stopping hault soon, but no one knows who's going to end up the victor. Even if there is going to be a victor. Only time will tell.

the history. the creatures. the rules. the places.
the characters. the played bys. application. the contacts.
the mathias pack. the isline coven. the necromancer's guild.
the baltimore syndicate. the lolea clan. the humans. those without a group.


Have something to say? Something you've been wanting to get off your chest but can't tell anyone? Submit it to InsaneJournal secret, in complete anonymity. Let your secret out. Express what you haven't felt comfortable expressing anywhere else for fear of judgment or being put on the spot. Relax, you're anonymous.

IJS respects anyone regardless of race, gender, age, sexuality, background, level of drunkenness, how stupid you are, what type of socks you're wearing, or how many fingers you have. We promise.


Entirely convinced that the protection of Magical blood is essential to the further existence of the Magical populous of the United Kingdom, and inspired by the uncompromising determination to safeguard the future of the United Kingdom's Magical citizens, the Ministry of Magic has unanimously resolved upon the following law, which is promulgated herewith:

By Order of Gawain Robards, the Minister of Magic, all witches and wizards must report immediately to the Ministry of Magic to register their Blood Status. Those failing to comply will be assumed traitors to the British Ministry and promptly arrested, stripped of all titles and accolades, sentenced to ten days in Azkaban and thereafter released under watch by the Magical Blood Protection Department for a time of one year, wherein they will be brought to trial to reassess their loyalties.


mod contact Information:

We are looking for Kingsley Shacklebolt, members of the Order including Arthur, Molly, Bill and Charlie Weasley, former Death Eaters, including Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, writers for the Daily Prophet, rebels, Purebloods, Muggleborns, Half-Bloods, Ministry employees, loyalists and many more. If they are canon, we want them - even Verity, the clerk at Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. We are only accepting living, canon characters as of Deathly Hallows, pre-epilogue.


Back April 1st, 2008 Forward