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[21 Mar 2009|03:57pm]


Victorian Company
The Insurgents
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Magical Perfume

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Spring of 1843. The snow is melting. Soon, men will take their shovels to dig graves and the first casualties of the revolution will be laid to rest in the frontier town of Sedona. Lives have been devastated by a bombing and a train wreck. Ladies have become widows; children have become orphans.

But life goes on. Those who have died will soon be out of mind. The shops sell their wares; more people want to own guns these days. Women sell their bodies. The saloons still serve drinks to people who want to forget about the world they live in, the people who used to live in it with them, and the people who still do.

Some distance from the graveyard, in the Westonbirt Arboretum, flowers are blooming near the ground these bodies are hidden by. Their beauty will delight hearts that have been bowed by sorrow and fear. But these flowers will be cut and washed and their oils will be condensed and mixed and sold as magic. And the glass bottles they are sold in will become smeared by blood from the hands of the Victorian Company.

The revolution has begun. The bodies that were just buried in the newly-thawed earth will be far from the last. This small town will become a battleground. Which side will you be fighting on?

Perfume is an original western fantasy game set in the small town of Sedona. We offer a long-term plot and are always open to suggestions and discussion from members. We permit smaller plots, be they personal or game-wide. This game is literate and active. We are yaoi and yuri friendly, though due to the setting characters may not be. If you have any questions please feel free to ask: the mods are active and friendly.

original code by butterflybox
Mods: [info]perfume_mods
Server: Insanejournal
Affiliates: Looking for them!
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Old School RP [21 Mar 2009|05:41pm]
Do you miss the old days of role-playing, when people worked for story-lines and didn't expect things handed to them on a silver platter?

Do you miss the days when games were about posting threads and logs, not LULZ AIM chats and macros? Or about content and plot, not about popular faces and who has the best icons?

Do you struggle to find places to advertise when communities like ~rps and ~pbads push your ads off the page within hours?

Do you wish you could find games like that still and don't know where to look for them?

Welcome to Old School RP. This is the ad community you've been missing.

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[21 Mar 2009|08:02pm]

They’ve hidden in the shadows; living among others. Your doctor, your neighbor, your teacher, or maybe even your cousin might be one of them. It’s within them at birth, living and lurking inside of them until something triggers it to be noticed by the body. The age of the trigger varies upon the person. It is not genetic, it is not fate, but it is merely random. A random newborn will be randomly holding a power. People with powers; abilities have been living with us for generations going unnoticed. Telekinesis, telepathy, precognition, super strength, everything that we thought only lie in comic books and TV are actually real; they’re very real.

In 2002, a man by the name of Michael Williams exposed his powers; thus to the rest of mankind. He was an ordinary man, lived in the suburbs with his family and children. It wasn’t until he was thirty two years old his power triggered during work. The ability he had obtained was Telekinesis, and it became out of control. Because he didn’t know how to control his power, it went haywire and killed many in his office, including himself.

The word spread quickly, and in no time did it reach the government. At first their intention was the hunt them all down and put them in private facilities, but then it was later discussed that they would go forward the situation in a peaceful matter. Gathering many scientists and people who could control their ability well, they set up schools for all ages to attend if they obtain a power, it is not an option. The school gives out classes twice a week teaching people how to control their power. Once their professors feel that they have full control of their power, they will be free to stop attending classes.

Everything is fixed, right? Not really. Talk is spreading that the government is reconsidering the idea of gathering all people with abilities up and lock them up. Unfortunately many of the ‘normals’ agree to the idea. The idea is being discussed, but the probability of it is high. It’s causing anxiety and chaos within the ones with abilities, but there’s not much they could do but only wait and see what happens.

Intentions; An Original Character Roleplaying Game. Opens when we have ten six males and six females.

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Post Bellum [21 Mar 2009|08:02pm]
"Reconciliation should be accompanied by justice, otherwise it will not last. While we all hope for peace it shouldn't be peace at any cost but peace based on principle, on justice." ~Corazon Aquino

"Reconciliation is to understand both sides; to go to one side and describe the suffering being endured by the other side, and then go to the other side and describe the suffering being endured by the first side." ~Thich Naht Hanh

Two years have passed since Harry Potter defeated Lord Voldemort. Since then, the Wizarding World has been turned on its head. Minister Shacklebolt was murdered, his post taken up by the Elder of the Wizengamot, Tiberious Ogden, who has been shaking things up politically, leaving many Wizards not too happy with how he is running things. Fenrir Greyback, after months of terrorizing the Wizarding Community, has recently been killed by Aurors McGonagall and Potter, Kingsley Shacklebolt’s killer, Mafalda Hopkirk has been arrested and is facing trial, and Death Eaters are still at large, aimed for revenge. The Wizarding World is not safe.

While the Ministry works at keeping the magical world from experiencing another war, lives move on, people change, careers are built and relationships are tested. The next adventure awaits.

Post Bellum is a Post-War, Post-Deathly Hallows, non-Epilogue compliant Harry Potter Role-Playing Game.

Game opened May 19, 2008.

Post Bellum RPG*Currently Casting*Characters In Play*Application*Rules*Watchers Community

We are greatly anticipating applications for Terry Boot, Michael Corner, Marcus Flint, Su Li, Morag MacDougal, Minerva McGonagall, Ernie McMillan, Eloise Midgen, Padma and Parvati Patil, Rita Skeeter, Arthur Weasley and any other characters which might be of interest!

Currently Up for Recasting: Penelope Clearwater, Gregory Goyle, Angelina Johnson, Lisa Turpin, and Ron Weasley.

If you have other questions or would like to request a hold on a character (we will hold for 1 week), please feel free to email the moderators at postbellummods at
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Mod Cooperative! [21 Mar 2009|08:08pm]
Mod Cooperative can help!

Ever had a great idea for a game, but wanted someone else to run it? Ever wanted to run a game, but didn't have any ideas that weren't already done? Looking for a co-mod, but don't know where to start? How about wanting to pitch an idea and get some feedback before you proceed?

Then head over to Mod Cooperative. Maybe we can all find what we're looking for. With a little help.


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Recuperatio [21 Mar 2009|08:10pm]

Currently Casting | Casting Studio | Application | Rules | Recuperatio RPG

“Tragedy blows through your life like a tornado, uprooting everything, creating chaos. You wait for the dust to settle, and then you choose. You can live in the wreckage and pretend it's still the mansion you remember. Or you can crawl from the rubble and slowly rebuild. Because after disaster strikes, the important thing is that you move on. But if you're like me, you just keep chasing the storm. The problem with chasing the storm is that it wears you down, breaks your spirit. Even the experts agree. A girl needs closure.”-Veronica Mars

“How do you pick up the threads of an old life? How do you go on... when in your heart you begin to understand... there is no going back? There are some things that time cannot mend... some hurts that go too deep... that have taken hold. Bilbo once told me his part in this tale would end... that each of us must come and go in the telling.” –J.R.R. Tolkien

Seven years ago, the Dark Lord Voldemort fell, finally bringing an end to his vicious reign of power and terror. Yet, the war did not end with his death. For years, the Wizarding World has worked to repair the damages left during the aftermath of war. Emotional burdens have yet to fully heal, too many lives destroyed, families torn apart, and friends lost. Hogwarts was left in rubble, unable to reopen for years, the damage too great, endless sweat and tears shed as people worked to rebuild the foundations to give their children a future. Death Eaters still roam free, cunningly avoiding even the best Aurors, leaving many in fear that another war will be on the horizon.

As things begin to resemble some semblance of normalcy, an old follower of Voldemort is in the wings, plotting his revenge, gathering the remaining Death Eaters and new followers, planning to unleash a new war, wanting to finish his master’s vision. In the Ministry, a serial killer is murdering powerful political figures, leaving everyone pointing fingers and letting things slip through the cracks. Fenrir Greyback has escaped from Azkaban, butchering countless individuals as he runs from Aurors, gathering and making new werewolves in his travels, gathering an army to strike against the Ministry. All the while, the Muggle World is at war, affecting the Wizarding World as it heightens. The world is in complete chaos.

Minister of Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt is determined to rebuild the Wizarding Community into a vision of peace and has called forth some of the best Aurors from around the world in an effort to clean up the United Kingdom, determined to capture and imprison the remaining Death Eaters and send a clear message of constant vigilance to those seeking to do more harm. Many are unhappy with the Minister’s plans, many seeking to replace him and other important individuals, some willing to go to great lengths to achieve their goals.

The Wizarding World is torn between fully recovering and moving forward and taking two steps back, arriving right back where they left off seven years ago. A new war is on the brink, which side will you choose?

Recuperatio is a canon, non-epilogue compliant game taking place in 2005. Game opens May 15, 2009.

Most Wanted: Susan Bones, Terry Boot, Mandy Brocklehurst, Lavender Brown, Seamus Finnigan, Rubeus Hagrid, Angelina Johnson, Rabastan Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Draco Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, Minerva McGonagall, Ernie McMillan, Padma Patil, Parvarti Patil, Adrian Pucey, Alicia Spinnet, Dean Thomas, Andromeda Tonks, Lisa Turpin, Bill Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Fleur Weasley, George Weasley, Molly Weasley, Percy Weasley, Ron Weasley, Oliver Wood, and many others!
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