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Amortentia [01 Jan 2012|03:21pm]
The Game
It's been a year and a half since the fall of Voldemort and the Wizarding World is still rebuilding. The Death Eaters have been tried, Hogwarts has been rebuilt, and everyone is attempting to move on with their lives. However, most of them have forgotten the biggest thing they should have learned during the war; the importance of love. It was, after all, Dumbledore's message that there could always be move love in this world.

While working on an experiment to alter the properties of the popular love potion, Amortentia, Unspeakable Hermione Granger makes a mistake that leaves everyone within the Ministry, Diagon Alley, and Hogsmeade on that day fall in love with the person whom they're nearest to. While everyone is stuck with the wrong person, or in some cases, the right ones, The Ministry frantically tries to correct their mistake, but their attempt to bring everyone out of their love-drunk stupor only leads to everyone magically finding their soulmate. Not everyone will be happy about who they're fated to be with, but some of them may just find what they've been looking for.

Amortentia is set in the year 2000, when the Wizarding World is still recovering from the events of the war. We're focused on the characters exploring all kinds of relationships: romantic, family, friendship, etc. and character development. Every two to three weeks, the mods will introduce a new plot point for the game, which will keep things in motion for the first few months, with the plan being to let everyone keep things going with character interactions afterwards.
Current Events
After a botched experiment with altering the properties of Amortentia, almost everyone fell under the potion. Some people spent the time snogging, others got engaged, and some people ended up with people they secretly desired in the first place, opening up new relationships to be formed. There's also a lot of people who aren't happy about the entire thing, not to mention, some truths have come out about others. There's a lot going on and it's going to keep going on.
The Players
Amortentia is currently seeking dedicated writers who are interested in character development, participating in game-wide plots, and moving the plot forward with character interactions.
Coming Soon
Kingsley and the Ministry are going to administer a new potion invented by Hermione which will lead people to seek out their soulmates, which can only lead to chaos and hilarity. However, in order to make sure this all kicks some ass, we need to fill some of out most wanted characters, which include: Neville Longbottom, Harry Potter, Seamus Finnigan, and many others.
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[01 Jan 2012|06:10pm]

Have you ever wanted to just "get away" for a while?
Well, that's what we do. We help people get away who aren't in a
position to do so!

You can spend months or even years in our resort on the wonderful
Calypso Island, at no expense to you! Our staff are here to serve your
every whim and make sure your vacation is a true break from the hectic
lives we know you all live.

But don't worry about lost time! When you decide you have had the vacation
you needed and decide to return to your former lives, you will come realize you have only been gone a single day.
Our magic makes sure of it!

Premise | Taken List | Holds
Wanted | Job Listing | Application
Rules | FAQ

Looking for NEW PLAYERS!
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The Violet Hour - A Post-Apocalyptic OC RPG [01 Jan 2012|10:54pm]

In 2012, humanity flourished. Violet Inc., a powerful scientific corporation, began the undertaking of a new project. Project Eden was meant to solve all of the world’s problems and give humanity a chance to do things right. By 2016, Violet Inc. had made the United States a world superpower like it had never been before. Change was happening for the better. Many thought it a perfect age…until the disappearances began in 2017. People simply vanished, without rhyme or reason. Panic spread like wildfire and blame was thrown in every direction. A second wave of disappearances left the international community blaming the United States and the ever mysterious Violet Inc. The world was struck again soon after, as all major U.S. cities were gutted and leveled from numerous nuclear explosions. There was no warning. No light in the sky. Simply devastation.

The current year is 2024, six years after the second Disappearance and the ravaging of the United States' major cities. Survivors have moved to rural areas or the wilderness. Strength lies always in numbers, as they say. Cults, gangs and tribes have taken hold in place of the civilized order that once was. Does the wasteland hold any hope? If so, does it lie within the structured puritanism of Angel Fire or in the chaos of Eagle Nest? Only those who continue to survive can decide what will come from humanity’s violet hour: rebuild for tomorrow or seize the day while it still remains?

**The friendliest game out there, with lots of positions and plots open!**

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