Project Noir

hands are stained with human sin

Project Noir: Weiß Kreuz Inspired Action RPG


May 28th, 2011

Riders on the Storm (News Report)

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... recently uncovered attacks on four prominent Stud farms. England, France, US and Austria...
... Horses targeted for slaughter standing at different studs... all belonging to one powerful international syndicate... news kept quiet until fourth attack, at the Brereton Stud in Cheshire, North West England.

Security tight, especially after recent raids, but perpetrators got in, disabled all security and surveillance, killed grooms and private security staff, and accomplished their task.

... Total of 18 horses killed... financial loss in the tens of millions with future losses through loss of breeding stock incalculable... Stud owners and managers devastated, feel "useless". Details still incomplete, but horses seem to have been poisoned by injection... some only dying after their dead grooms were discovered... human casualties died by a variety of means. Some hacked to death... some strangled with a fine ligature like a piano wire/cheesecutter... some poisoned. Suggests a team of at least three, possibly four.

Reports confirmed that no other standing horses were injured in any way and, in the latest two attacks, four horses have been released from their stalls into the yard... one black, two chestnut and one white in both cases. Meaning is uncertain, but could simply be an adopted calling card...

Local police and Interpol appealing for help, but have no clues to go on.

April 24th, 2011

sugar we're going down (News Report)

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Backbench politician killed at city residence in Paris...

... motive remains unclear, investigators sifting for evidence...

Fourth floor apartment shows no sign yet of break-in, one of the few apartments with no balcony access... excessive damage caused by explosion which happened at 3am Sunday... unidentified female also found on the premises, not politician's estranged wife...

... unconfirmed reports say that both seem to have been killed prior to explosion, but damage is so extensive it may be days or even weeks before facts begin to take the place of conjecture...

Other apartments in the building are reported to have been unoccupied due to Easter break. Concierge considers himself luckiest man alive, having left his post to go outside to smoke... escaped with what are described as miraculously minor injuries... still being questioned by police, but not considered a suspect at this point...

Police looking into politician's background... extra-marital liaisons... extreme anti-immigration stance... unsubstantiated rumours of embezzlement and 'backhand' dealings...

Basically, it'd be easier at this point to work out who DIDN'T have cause...

October 22nd, 2010

let me down ( news report! )

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Chaos in the Vienna National Library...

...eruption of violence from visiting scholars from the University of Sydney and the University of Leipzig...

...qualifications are being questioned... bystander injuries reported...

...Greek religious manuscript now missing...

...all involved parties still at large...

August 4th, 2010

the dark ( news report )

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"...recent catacombs closing...

...murder occurred early Monday morning, August 2nd...

...details confidential...

...uncertain whether the murder is related to the Bastille Day Explosion...

...catacombs to be closed again indefinitely to increase security against vandalism and crime...

July 15th, 2010

paris is burning ( news report )

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...major bombing at the Eiffel Tower last night...

...many critical burn victims...

...oversized model chess pieces containing the bodies of five of the prisoners from the recent prison breaks...

...uncertain suspects...

...viewed as a sign from vigilantes... safe are the streets of France?...

June 26th, 2010

that is my reality ( news narrative )

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Troubling news today, as Centre pénitentiaire de Fresnes reports a major breakout that left twenty-one guards dead, and thirty more in critical condition or injured. Reports are still forthcoming, but the main instigator seems to be a criminal who has assumed the name “Farfarello”…

…the demon from Dante is on the loose again…

…major blow to the feeling of security in Paris…

…at least other ten inmates have escaped…

...loose in Paris
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