Project Noir

hands are stained with human sin

Project Noir: Weiß Kreuz Inspired Action RPG



May 4th, 2011

crash ( henri! )

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Who: Henri & Carmen
When: May 4th, evening
Where: Streets of Calais
What: Carmen still believes that Weiss had something to do with Heidnisch's disappearance. Instead she finds Henri.

Carmen was investigating every corner of Calais. )

March 23rd, 2011

actions and words

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Who: Henri Villon & Ken Hidaka
When: Wednesday, March 23
Where: Undisclosed Kritiker location, Calais, France.
What: Sparring!

In Ken's book, training always beat pruning flowers. )

January 20th, 2011

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Who: Henri and Carmen
When: December 9th - after this
Where: Henri's safe house (provided by Persia) in Fruges, France.
What: Henri comes back to Carmen after his confrontation with Jay.
Rating: PG-13?

Oh. And he was drunk. )


Thread: Jay + Henri

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Who: Henri and Jay
When: December 9
Where: Graveyard just outside of Paris
What: The Graves of Claude Arnaud Villon and Marguerite Moreau receive visitors.
Rating/Warning: PG-13

I miss you both so much... )


January 19th, 2011

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Who: Henri, Aya
When: Early morning
Where: Wood behind Schreient HQ
What: Chance encounter and a talk

he felt entirely entitled to have a say about it )

January 18th, 2011

text message to Henri

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To: [Henri]
From: [Carmen]
Date: 1/18

You have 3 unread texts )

January 11th, 2011

Text messages, en français.

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Who: Henri and Persia
Where: Schrient HQ & where ever Persia is at the moment
When: Tuesday, January 8, 2011 - early evening
What: Henri sends Persia some texts on the sly and then gives him a quick phone call.

you have (1) unread text messages )

January 6th, 2011

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Who: Tot & Henri
When: January 6, 2011
Where: Schreient HQ
What: Tot speaks with Henri to learn just what he has planned for his time with Schreient

Tot and Mr. Bunny are here to talk )

December 9th, 2010

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Who: Tot, Dunkel, Lieb, Heidnische, Henri, & Aya
When: December 10, 2010
Where: Schreient HQ
What: A Schreient Christmas Party/Welcome Home party for Dunkel!

Welcome Home and Merry Christmas! )

More text messages, en japonais.

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To: "Persia"
From: "Restricted"
Date: Wednesday, December 8, 2010

you have (1) unread message )

December 8th, 2010

Text messages, en français.

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To: "Carmen"
From: "Henri" [+07 ## ## ## ##]
Date: Wednesday, December 8, 2010

you have (3) unread texts )

Thread: Carmen + Henri

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Who: Henri A. Villon and Carmen Moreno y Aguilar
When: Sunday November 7, 2010, late night/early morning [way hella backdated.]
Where: Carmen’s holding cell -> ???
What: Phase 1 of Infiltrating Schreient: Breaking Carmen Out

Carmen was sound asleep. )

November 22nd, 2010

make my way (voicemail: henri)

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To: Henri
From: Carmen
Date: (backdated) 11/14

You have 1 voicemail )

November 5th, 2010

Thread: Carmen + Henri

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Who: Henri and Carmen
NPCs: --
When: Friday, November 5, 2010 [evening]
Where: Le Chateau du Chaton → Calais, France
What: At long last, Henri goes to visit Carmen
Rating: High?
OOC: I wasn't sure when to date this! Just poke me and let me know if you'd like this changed, Lisa!

As far as Henri was concerned, it was a lose-lose situation. )

September 22nd, 2010

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Who: Henri Villo OTA Weiss
When: Wednesday, September 22, 2010 - evening
Where: Living Quarters, Kitchen, Le Chateau Du Chaton → Calais, France
What: Someone has a serious grump on.

...Stupide...putain... vais lui montrer... suis fatigué....Les Japonais... )


August 4th, 2010

Thread: Henri and Carmen

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Who: Henri Villon and Carmen Moreno y Aguilar and OTA to any members of Weiss who wants to find Henri.
When: Friday, August 6, 2010 [forward dated]
Where: Living Quarters, Kitchen, Le Chateau Du Chaton → Calais, France
What: Carmen breaks in and causes a lot of chaos!

Henri just couldn't take it any more.  )


August 2nd, 2010

and still back before dawn

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Who: Ken and open
When: Late 8/1 (backdated)
Where: Paris, heading towards Chinatown
What: Patience isn't Ken's strong suit.

It hadn't taken very long for Ken to give into his sense of restlessness and hop on his bike. )

July 14th, 2010

cut my fingers ( plot post - open )

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Who: Open to Everyone
When: evening, Bastille Day, just before fireworks are set to go
Where: Eiffel Tower, fireworks display
What: There are some explosions that weren't planned.
Rating/Warning: violence? Yeah, violence.

The entire day, people had assumed that the chess pieces were part of the display. )

ooc )

July 12th, 2010

taking out the trash

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Who: Ken and open
When: Monday, 7/12
Where: Le Chateau Du Chaton
What: Ken finds Carmen's care package.

What was the phrase? Good riddance? )

July 6th, 2010

Thread: La Belle et Le Bad Boy

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Who: Henri and Carmen
Where: Outside Carmen's apartment → Paris, France(?)
When: February 2008 [backdated]
What: Henri picks Carmen up for their scheduled sexin' date.
Rating: PG-13?

Allô? )

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