Progeny OOC's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Progeny OOC

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Calling all old players! [30 May 2011|01:12am]
Seeing that there is a new entry here in the OOC and for those of you that we've managed to contact, it's true! We're restarting/rebooting Progeny. Yes, that's right-- the time has come.

Now, there's a few new things to discuss. You all already know the common rules-- don't be a douche, don't mix ooc/ic knowledge, utilize the spell-check tool, let us know if you need time off-- those sorts of things. The old rules are still visible if you need a reminder. Since the game is now private (just between those of us who were a part of it before), as long as the rules aren't being blatantly broken, we'll more than likely be pretty lax on them. There is, however, one new one that we'll be observing strictly. Until further notice, all players may only have 3 pups and no more. If you want to keep your old pups, that's fine... as long as you keep only three.

Also, instead of doing three day-seven day shifts in game-time, we'll be going a single day at a time. We'll change the day every three or four days, so try and get your threads finished in a timely manner (though it's not like anybody will be beheaded if you don't finish before the daychange). With each daychange, we'll include things like special events (birthdays, holidays, things like that), the weather, and keep track of what's happened in the last game day so everybody will be kept up to speed. When we do game-wide plots (the first of which will be shortly after we start playing), we'll give you a notice ahead of time so you can decide if and how you want your pups to be involved. Also, if we're close to a daychange and you come across an idea for that day that you feel you simply must play on the day that's about to change, then you can put a "place holder" post so you still have that spot before the daychange.

Now, in a week from today, we'll be removing all the old journals from both the OOC and IC boards. We're leaving them as is for a week just so any of the old players that we've not yet contacted can let us know here if you still want to be a part of the game. On Monday, June 6th, we'll be cleaning house, as in, removing all the old character journals.

*ONE LAST THING. If you have not yet confirmed with the mods (as in, already talked with one of us about being a part of the game again), don't jump into any of the new threads yet. Just because your journal still has access to the board, that doesn't mean your old characters are still in. You've got to check in with a mod first and let us know. If we find that you have not checked in with us and disregarded this point, your posts will be erased and then you'll have to take your ball and go home.

Am I missing anything? Let me know!

It's AWESOME to be starting up again. I know I've sure missed it all!

<3 / your friendly neighborhood mod,
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