Prideview Random

June 14th, 2008

Prideview Apartments: Random Community


June 14th, 2008

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Private to The Marauders. )

This place is fucking insane.

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I found a bookstore that was looking for a store assistant, so... I have a job? It's kind of nice not to be fighting anymore. And the owner is a decent kind of guy.

Sarah )

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Um... hello..?

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[Private to Caspian]
Hopefully this will work. Um...Could you do me a favor? You have to promise not to tell Peter or Edmund though because they will probably blow things out of proportion and lock me in my room. It isn't life threatening or anything. just have to promise!

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Private to Marauders )

I hate feeling sick. I wonder if I could get away with just sleeping for a week.
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