Prideview OOC

Prideview Apartments Out of Character Community

Prideview Apartments: OOC Community



Skipped Back 40

October 2nd, 2008

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I'll be going on vacation from October 4 - 11, and I won't have access to a computer or the internet for the majority of the time. There may be one or two days but mostly I'll be out of commission.

So, if anybody wants to do anything with my kids when I get back, just let me know.

This affects:
Peter Petrelli || [info]borrowedpower
Luke Danes || [info]hatescellphones
Bruce Wayne || [info]gothamsprince

October 1st, 2008

Lyn, here

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Okay, a little introduction here. This is Diane Loret, who's (for the most part) an OC. She is based in the Heroes canon, and is a very, VERY minor character. She's from the graphic novel "The Ten Brides of Takezo Kensei", and is the seventh wife of Adam Monroe. They were married in Montreal around 1901, and she contracted tuberculosis. Adam, while she slept, gave her transfusions of his blood to heal her, and she "miraculously" recovered.

Here's where things get a little murky, canon-wise, so I'm playing with it. She was given enough of Adam's blood to change things in her body chemistry. AS a result, she can no longer age or get sick. She does NOT have rapid-cell regeneration, like Claire and Adam (and Peter to some extent), and so she can be hurt and killed, as easily as anyone. It's just with natural causes such as disease or time that her body's become resistent.

She's PBed by Sarah Brightman, because I felt like it and her appearance in canon is barely there XD

Feel free to hit me up for plottage whenever I'm on AIM, at empathic destiny.

September 30th, 2008

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It’s that time of year again, folks, its Halloween time!

This year we’re going to be doing something different. As the apartments are placed upon a rift, this Halloween it will act up. Starting from October 31st, for one to two weeks, you will have the option to have your character become a future/past/au version of themselves. AU versions have to be from canon alternate universes, for example the Age of Apocalypse in X-Men or the different alternate futures in Heroes.

Characters will remember what happens during the time when they are an alternate version of themselves, although they will not know the whole back-story to how they go to that position. If you wish to keep playing the alternate version then you will be able to although you will then not be able to change back to the ‘normal’ version.

We’re telling you about this now so that you have time to plan, plot, ask questions and otherwise figure out what you want to do. We will post nearer the time with exact details.

Please feel free to ask if you need something clearing up!

September 24th, 2008

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This is Kira here with Eden McCain. She's coming in from just before she died. As in, already stepped into the room and has the gun in her hand, just before.

>__> Lettie here

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[info]nothingtohide & [info]rimswithdahorns.

That is all.

September 23rd, 2008

Mod Post!

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It's a short mod post this time as we only need s cover a couple of things.

1) DON'T SPOIL PEOPLE! New seasons are starting in America and all the mods ask is that all spoilers get put behind a cut. If you don't then you will face the Wrath of Katy, and remember that she lives in the UK and will probably be waiting about six months for the shows that you are watching now. She will get very bitchy if you forget the lj-cut. If you're not sure if something's a spoiler then cut it anyway just in case.

2) TAGS. If you do not tag your entries then you will get a warning for inactivity. It's that simple. We spend time creating the tags, we don't want to spend hours going through the communities and tagging the entries.

3) CONTACT INFO. Please make sure all contact info is current and up to date.

As usual, you have a week to comment on this entry. So that is until 30th September 2008.

Thank you.

September 18th, 2008

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Howdy all. This is Fallen wanting to say my hellos to familiar faces and new alike. I'm a quirky twenty-something South Jersey girl, horror, caffeine, cosplay, and random moment addict. 

I'm currently taking up
Supernatural's Jo Harvelle ([info]shotgun_waltz) and Blood and Chocolate's Vivian Gandillon ([info]f_lilredridinhd):
A year or two after she left Ellen and Harvelle's Roadhouse for a life on the road as a hunter, Jo's made quite a reputation and accumulated a sizable resume of successful hunts before appearing in New York. Surrounded by mysterious string of deaths, Vivian Gandillon is a woman and loup garou alpha (werewolf) on the run. She awakes to find the end of her trail leads to take shelter in the heart of New York's Central Park.

I'm currently looking for and open to storylines, character interactions, and whatnot so wontcha come out and play? 
Feel free to tag here or contact me through my aim (spintherevolver). 

~ Fallen

September 7th, 2008

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Hi, everyone. This is Kira, and this, here, is Gabriel Gray. And I mean that quite sincerely. He is Gabriel pre-Sylar. As in, the rather insignificant watchmaker with low self-esteem and dreams of something better. He's already met Chandra Suresh, but he's being pulled in from before Chandra shattered all of his dreams by dismissing him.

He has no understanding of Sylar beyond it being a watch from 1917 that he's been working on restoring for the last seven years.

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I'm having incredible trouble thinking up plottage for Nessa... which is terrible, because I adore her the most out of all of my characters.

Anyone have any ideas what the Wicked Witch of the Wheelchair can get up to? Hopefully with other people?
I'm this far away from begging for other characters from Wicked to show up. Really.

September 5th, 2008

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As much fun as I've had here, I'm having some major real life issues that require me to cut way back on my online and RP time. Unfortunately, this game is one of those cutbacks. Thank you so much for all the wonderful CR I've had with all of you, and I've made a couple new friends I wouldn't have made if it weren't for this game. So thank you so much for that opportunity.

This affects:

Amber Volakis [info]cutthroatbitch
April Nardini-Danes [info]likethemonth
God [info]quirkyhumor
Lilah Morgan [info]justanevilbitch
Mark Sloan [info]kingofplastics
Noah Bennet [info]morallygrey
Wolverine [info]canucklehead

Thank you so much for a wonderful time, and everybody keep having fun! Thank you Katy, Lilly, and Nelle for a great game.

August 27th, 2008

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Got a new character. I bring you military guy Daniel Neff ([info]make_you_shine) from The Omen. He was from the 2nd film, played by Lance Henriksen. Ran a military school, also serves in the Army. One of Damien's loyal followers, also was a bit of a mentor in case the boy got just a little bit out of hand. Heh.

Though he's going to be curious (and surprised) to learn that Damien isn't the only antichrist around.. or moreso, that Satan is really here. Cue to Neff kneeling and giving praise now.. but in secret. Shh..

I have a personal journal too ([info]bigmike33315), feel free to add it if you like. Finally added a number of funny text icons, and about to search for more. I'm also planning to add a few RP memes to it, so that should be fun.

- Mike

August 26th, 2008

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He's here, the Phaaaantom of the Opera~!

This is Katie (her who plays this strange lot), bringing in Erik, the Phantom of the Opera.

Poke him with sticks, offer him attention and don't try to steal the mask, and you'll get along with him fine. Just don't mention Christine, or he'll go all emo.

Feel free to grab me for anything, plotty or otherwise, at NessaroseT. Because AIM is shiny, and I get very bored.

August 24th, 2008

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Hey guys! Sheena, here.

I just wanted to let you all know that I'm starting a new school soon, like- tomorrow soon?- and that my play will be scarce. I apologize for not getting to everyone's tags lately, as I have been caught up with things surrounding the aforementioned hell. I have also brought in Dr. Manhattan from Watchmen, and my entire list of characters can be found here. If you have any interest in plotting with my characters, please leave a note here, or IM me over at kiii the batman or fiexible dancer.

I'm always around, so, even if I'm not playing, you now know where to find me.

August 23rd, 2008

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It’s a short mod post this month! Please remember to read it all and follow the appropriate instructions.


Please tag all your entries. If you don’t have a tag for a character then please reply to this post with the FULL NAME of the character.

Remember, we use tags to judge activity so it is very important that you tag all of your entries.


Please request apartments for your characters as soon as you have them approved. As always, there is a list of characters that need apartments beneath the cut, if you don’t request an apartment by the 3rd September 2008, then the character will be removed from the game.


We’re keeping application for original characters open. The rules and the application can be found with the normal application. Please feel free to app for them if you want to!


Please check that all your information in the contact list is complete and up to date. Thank you!


Please reply to this post with a comment that has a list of all your characters, as well as any tags you might need. If you want to drop any characters then feel free to just leave them off your list.

For example: Nathan Petrelli | Heroes | [info]flying_man

People in need of apartments. )

August 22nd, 2008

The 'I'd Hit It' Meme

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Alright. Nelle mod here. This is another one of those things that's just meant as a sort of fun pick me up. It's not to be taken seriously and it's totally meta, meaning it doesn't apply IC.

There's at least one character in the comm that wants to date yours or sleep with yours or love yours forever and make babies with fantastic hair. So, let's play Friends With Benefits!

The rules are simple:

• If you would want to sleep with the character and stay friends, post a comment to theirs that says I'd hit it.

• If you would like to go on a date with the character just to see where it goes, post a comment that says, Are you busy tonight?

• If you would want to be in a relationship with the character, post a comment saying I'm yours.

Are you scared? You only live once usually! So, if you're feeling brave, stay logged in and drop a line.

Comment with your character's journal and people can comment with their responses! It's all in good fun! If you want to do it with your personal journal too? Feel free!

As I've said, this is meta, so it doesn't apply in character unless both muns want to agree to try and work it out. So have a little fun with it.

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It is apparently a "Hey lets visit the inlaws" weekend that yet again my husband failed to tell me till he got home and was like "why aren't you ready?" I love when he tells me things. But I will be scarce to nonexistant. My people will just be doing their thing...just not in the open.


August 20th, 2008

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As people might have noticed, we blew up Torchwood!

Torchwood isn't actually part of the apartments, or anywhere near it so everyone's characters should be fine (apart from the ones that work there, obviously). However it's being reported on the news and people are obviously talking about it so you can all feel free to have people talk about it and react to it if you want to.

If you have any questions or comments then feel free to IM me at uneasy lies or Nelle at littlemoresonic!

- Katy!

August 11th, 2008

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Okay, so, I figured I should go ahead and post this now, while I have a chance. I'm going to be a bit scarce for a bit. My laptop's monitor has gone kaput, so either something's going to have to be reconnected, or I'm going to have to replace it; we're not sure which is the case, yet. So until I find out and get it fixed, I'm going to be pretty scarce. I'll be around a little bit, when I can snag time on my parents' desktop (mostly after at least 11 EST), and it'll all depend on how long I get as to whether I'll be getting tags done.

if you need anything from me, go ahead and email, and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can. If you have my cell, you can reach me that way, since I'm a text message whore XD

- Lyn

x-posted everywhere and your mother

August 6th, 2008

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Hey, guys! It's Sarah here (I play [info]toitshour and [info]loveisenough as well), bringing in Dean Winchester.

Because we don't know how S4's going to turn out - and I don't want to extrapolate - I'm going to cheat and bring Dean in from S2. (If anyone's got any huge objections, holler; I don't want to mess up current plot with SPN people.) That way we don't have to worry about things happening to him while he's here in Prideview or whatnot.

BUT YES. Poke him, offer him beer, give him tummy rubs. Little attention whore that he is, he'll appreciate it.

July 30th, 2008


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It’s now the 31st July 2008 GMT. This means that your time for answering the mod post is now over. All players who have not responded have had their characters removed from the game.

If your characters get removed and you still wish to have them in the game then you must reapply. One of the mods may wish to speak to you before you are accepted, but talking to a mod is not a prerequisite to rejoining.

This is for people who have not replied to the mod post.

Thank you.

The Mod Squad.
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