Prideview Apartments

Welcome to Hell

Prideview Apartments


September 15th, 2008

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Who: Jubilee and Doug
When: midnight thirty
Where: Doug's
What: Ice cream and friendly cuddling
Rating: Um...TBA I don't think anything will happen but who knows sometimes threads fool you.
Status: In Progress

Jubilee was in her PJs when she was talking to Doug, the tiny tank and short combination with little fortune cookies all over them were her favorite and she wasn't about to put on clothes to go eat ice cream at Doug's. Jubilee didn't even bother with shoes and just grabbed her keys and padded out the door locking it behind her.

It didn't take long to get to Doug's apartment and soon enough she was turning the knob and walking on in shutting and locking it behind her. Jubilee made a direct course to the kitchen and opened up the freezer rummaging through it looking at his ice cream. She settled on classic chocolate and once cracking the pint open and getting a spoon shuffled over and plopped down beside Doug. "Even if I blow stuff up and am slightly obnoxious from time to time you love me still right, Dougie?"

She looked up at him with big almond shaped dark brown eyes as full lips pouted dramatically.

July 22nd, 2008

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Who: Bender and Jubilee
When: Late night the 21st
Where: Bender's apartment
What: Aftermath of a beat down
Rating: PG-13 for language and violence in the past tense
Status: In Progress

What the hell is your name anyway? )
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