Prideview Apartments

March 9th, 2008

Prideview Apartments


March 9th, 2008

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WHO: Mick St. John, Heather Kessler
WHERE:Heather's Apt
WHEN:Tonight, (or yesterday depending on your perspective) late

As Mick headed over to Heather's apartment, he fought the knot of doubt forming in his gut. She told him she trusted him. She'd proved it more than once by now. And yet, he still couldn't shake the idea that she just didn't understand what he was. What it really meant. He'd thought this attack would make the point. Get her to finally realise that he wasn't safe, and put aside any ideas she had about what they could be to each other.

It's not that he didn't want to be with her. He was starting to realise it more and more as the days went by. Just because he wanted it, however, didn't mean it was a good idea. She had to understand this. The incident at Impero should have told her, and now this?

She still trusted him. Heather, after everything, was willing to let him into her home. He didn't deserve it, he was sure of that much. Still, she didn't deserve the silent treatment he had given her. So here Mick was, at her door, feeling for all the world like a sweaty-palmed teenager. Or a criminal on the run.

It was Just a talk. Nothing to be afraid of. Taking a deep breath, he knocked.

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WHO: Ianto Jones and Toshiko Sato.
WHERE: Tosh's flat.
WHEN: Sunday night.
RATING: NC-17 for awkward sex.
STATUS: Started.

He didn't want to make things awkward between them )
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