Prideview NYC

The City of New York

Prideview Apartments: New York City


August 24th, 2008

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WHO: John Jones [open]
WHERE: The city.. or, above it
WHEN: Night
WHAT: Flying.. and thinking
STATUS: Incomplete
NOTE: Anyone who has the power to fly, feel free to notice him. Could get interesting. ;)


Flying high )

April 1st, 2008

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WHO: Damien Thorn [open]
WHERE: Streets
WHEN: 11pm
STATUS: Incomplete


Damien was planning to go back to his apartment shortly. But he wanted to enjoy the night before he turned in. Being out here.. he could sense a few things. Danger. Sin. Cruelty. Fear. Lust. Anger.

The city was full of it. But then, that was expected with a population as big as it was, even this late. He walked on the sidewalk, in his usual dark attire, with the black overcoat, his dark hair blowing in the breeze as he continued on.

He stopped briefly, leaning against the wall of one of the buildings. He sighed, looking to the sky. "What.." He blinked. He could have sworn he saw a red streak for a brief second. But it was gone now. "Maybe I am imagining things.." He laughed at that, shaking his head....

March 12th, 2008

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WHO: John Jones [open, multiples welcome]
WHERE: HomeSec building
WHEN: Afternoon
STATUS: Incomplete


John had just finished some paperwork for some cases he'd helped close. It had taken the better half of the morning, but it got done.. and now he was hungry. Lunch break time! Preferably, a trip to the grocery store for some more Oreo cookies.

So, he cleaned up the files on his desk so his superior could collect it shortly. John walked out of the Homeland Security building, now standing on the steps outside. He looked upward briefly, wondering if he should fly.. it'd be faster than his car, after all...

February 22nd, 2008

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WHO: John Jones [open]
WHERE: Rooftop
WHEN: Night
STATUS: Incomplete

I'm not from around here either, Clark.. I came from Mars. )
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