Prideview NYC

March 12th, 2008

Prideview Apartments: New York City


March 12th, 2008

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WHO: John Jones [open, multiples welcome]
WHERE: HomeSec building
WHEN: Afternoon
STATUS: Incomplete


John had just finished some paperwork for some cases he'd helped close. It had taken the better half of the morning, but it got done.. and now he was hungry. Lunch break time! Preferably, a trip to the grocery store for some more Oreo cookies.

So, he cleaned up the files on his desk so his superior could collect it shortly. John walked out of the Homeland Security building, now standing on the steps outside. He looked upward briefly, wondering if he should fly.. it'd be faster than his car, after all...

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WHO: Erika and Josef.
WHERE: Some club.
WHEN: After this conversation.
STATUS: Started.

Erika was pretty annoyed. She wasn't exactly thrilled to be brought here randomly, and she knew that if she got back home, Kraven would not be happy. Just her luck. Selene was finally out of the way, and now this. But she could adapt. It was what she was good at. No matter what, she would do what served her best. She just needed to get herself established, and find her place here. That shouldn't be too hard.

Josef and Mick were interesting elements. The fact that she looked so startlingly like their friend was intriguing enough, and could certainly be used to her advantage if necessary, but the two men were fascinating in their own right. And she wanted to figure them out, figure out how they could be of use to her.

She was waiting, in the club she'd told Josef about, waiting for the man to arrive. At the very least, she could have some fun.
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