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dacro [userpic]
Dacro's tribute to DJ - the musical

Inspired by a day we spent together in San Francisco this summer. (there may also be pictures under the cut)

Doo Wah DJ )

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You're the best!

DJ, I can't fathom the amount of work that goes on to put on our beloved Snarry Games. "Thank you" just doesn't begin to cover my graditude. Because I'm an artist, not a writer, and therefore cannot wield words as well as pixels, I made this for you.

Title: Fresh Ink
Artist: [info]veridian_dair
Rating: PG
Pairing: Harry/Snape
Warnings: None
Summary: Harry and Severus salute the Queen Mod in style

Fresh Ink )

psyfic [userpic]
Kudos to DJ

For all the hard work: not worthy

For all the headaches: hug

For all the wicked hot art & fic: clapping

For everything: thanks

Perfica [userpic]
You're The Top

No, really; you're the tower of Pisa. Thank you for running the Games again, thank you for inviting me to join, thank you for doing so much work behind the scenes and, most of all, thank you for being a classy chick who is cool, calm, collected and super organised. Your contributions to the Snarry fandom are truly appreciated.

joanwilder  aka RaeWhit [userpic]
Severus and Harry's 2009 Snarry Games Debrief

Title: Severus and Harry's 2009 [info]snarry_games Debrief
Author: RaeWhit aka [info]joanwilder
Rating: NC-17
Genres: YES!
Warnings: NO!
Summary: In which Severus and Harry reminisce about the Games, and go on and on and on and on....
A/N: I think I hit all of the artses, and all of the fics, save two or three that I've yet to read. I'll add ref to them after I've read them. DJ, this is all your fault.

Severus and Harry's 2009 Snarry Games Debrief )

eriador117 [userpic]
Picture for DJ

Title: Snape's Pet
by Eriador117
Method: Sims2
Rating: R?
Pairing: Snape/Harry
Warnings: D/s, winged!Harry, leather

Read more... )

whitecotton [userpic]
The Idiot's Guide to Courtship by WhiteCotton

Title: The Idiot’s Guide to Courtship
Author: WhiteCotton
Team: Snitch
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: R
Word Count: 7,500
Summary: Summary: With an Idiot’s Guide to direct his steps, how could Harry’s courtship of Severus possibly fail?
Author Notes/Disclaimers/Betas Written for [info]djin7, who has once again given us a Snarry Games to remember. While very many expressions of appreciation have been wrapped together into this story, I would like to thank her explicitly for her wonderful sense of community. This inimitable trait has been a blessing for us all, enabling us to extend our love for the fandom into ever greater stretches of the imagination. Many, many thanks to you, [info]djin7, leaving some left over for [info]joanwilder and [info]atypicalsnowman for their work on this gift drabble fic.
I do not own or make any money from the characters or situations belonging, in all rights, to JK Rowling.

The Idiot's Guide to Courtship )

joanwilder  aka RaeWhit [userpic]
Medal for DJ!

by [info]veridian_dair

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