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Back October 1st, 2009 Forward
Thank you!

Dear DJ,

I have art that is near completion for you but as I'm not 100% sure I'll get it finished in time (late closing games submission too, whoops!) I'll post my thank you first.

Being a part of the snarry games for three years has brought me more joy than you could imagine. I try to do a few fests a year (they are my only way of ensuring that I am actually productive) and no other I have come across is as well-run, as organised, or as enjoyable as the Snarry Games, and I believe that this is almost entirely down to you and your team.

Thank you so much for all your hard work, all your kindness to us poor sods who beg you for extensions, and for your enthusiasm for the pairing, which shines through and makes the Games what they are.

The Games have given me confidence, have helped me meet new people, and have given me so much joy as both a watcher and as a participant. You help to bring so much high standard fic and art into the fandom and for that I'm so grateful.

Thank you for being the smart, funny, kind, and just all-around awesome person that you are. I was so thrilled to meet you, let alone room with you, at Azkatraz, you have no idea! ♥


- Hannah

Back October 1st, 2009 Forward