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Back September 29th, 2009 Forward
joanwilder  aka RaeWhit [userpic]
Thanks, kid.


I've posted fic for you earlier in the comm, but I actually only transcribed Harry and Snape's conversation (and objectively noted what I observed), so I can't take full credit for that entry for your annals of the [info]snarry_games. This here is my genuine...

Thank you... )

hpstrangelove [userpic]
I Can't Believe I've Been a Part of This

Dear DJ,

The first Snarry Games by the 'Olympics' name was really my first major fandom fest as a reader, and I couldn't wait to get up each morning, print out the stories, take them to work, and sneak them in between my meeting notes to read during boring meetings!

I remember reading a story while waiting in the doctor's office once.  I remember reading a story and crying, then having to tell my co-workers it was my allergies acting up.  I remember so many things about that first fest.  Then the second one came along and it was just a good. The writing was so incredible, I never thought I'd be a part of the Games one day.

And to think I've been able to participate in TWO of them!  I can't thank you enough for organizing all of this.  It will be an experience I'll always treasure.


Thank you!

I really can't say thank you enough. I look forward to the games every year. I've made some great friends through them, and probably wouldn't write much at all if I didn't have them. Thank you so much for this great fest!

dementordelta [userpic]
*Big Smooches*

When I first heard about the Snarry Games I knew I wanted to participate more than anything! Every year it's been a challenge--in all senses of the word--and an honor, and most of all a pleasure to be a team member--no matter which team I was on. Thank you for bringing that to the fandom, for giving us a lip-smacking dose of new stories and new art that has always been the highest standard this fandom can produce.

*blows kisses*

For that I will always adore you!

Dear DJ,

I do have a gift for you, it just is not quite ready yet (that must sound familiar... can I have eighteen extensions?)  In the meantime, however, I didn't want to miss my chance to say thank you.  I so so appreciate all the work you do and have done on these Games, and it's been an utter privilege to be allowed to take part in them.  I remember finding this year's invitation to participate days after the sign up deadline had passed, and wailing in despair.  I am so grateful you let me have a place on the team.  I had not posted or written ANYTHING since the last games, and to get this story out of me - to finally put down the words that had been rattling around my brain for so long, and actually FINISH something - it's all down to you.  I've had a blast, and been introduced to some brilliant new writers and artists.  I'm so touched by the generosity and love you tirelessly show for the participants, the community, and our wizarding boys.  These Games have been inspiring.

Thank you, thank you, a million times over.  Expect the gift of fic(ish...ness...) in the very near future.


P.S.  I think we live in the same city.   If you ever need some escape from Olympic insanity (Quaaatchi...), it'd be an honour to buy coffee/hard liquor for the Queen Mod herself.

Back September 29th, 2009 Forward