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Squeaky [userpic]
Site update

I know I haven't done it yet, but I am still planning on updating the site. Life has been rather hectic. For anyone's who is interested I posted about it in my personal journal. I do plan on doing the update as soon as things calm down, but it might be a few weeks.

I do know of one big bug the site has. If you have your password saved in Firefox, you may not be able to post to a community or change your icon when you go to update your journal. The best way to fix this is to remove all of your saved InsaneJournal passwords.

Sorry about that, but I figured all of you how have paid deserve to know what is going on.


I did figure that out about the password, eventually. Maybe stick it in the Help or FAQ?

Also, the site was inaccessible for an hour or two tonight. Do you have anyone to help when the server goes down in the middle of your night? Any kind of status update? LJ used Twitter, and that seems like a good plan.