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July 2007
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Squeaky [userpic]
Site update

I know I haven't done it yet, but I am still planning on updating the site. Life has been rather hectic. For anyone's who is interested I posted about it in my personal journal. I do plan on doing the update as soon as things calm down, but it might be a few weeks.

I do know of one big bug the site has. If you have your password saved in Firefox, you may not be able to post to a community or change your icon when you go to update your journal. The best way to fix this is to remove all of your saved InsaneJournal passwords.

Sorry about that, but I figured all of you how have paid deserve to know what is going on.


Thanks, I'm glad you like it. And remember there are no stupid questions. Only stupid people ;-)


Considering what I do for a living? I can completely agree with that!

Oh, and what is it that you do for a living?

Technician for a Military Medical help desk. :)

Ohh, that's gotta be rough. I've done help desk type work before (tech support for ISP and webhosting) and I don't envy you one little bit.

There are days that I want to be able to reach through the phone.

Like yesterday. :)

I've always thought it would be fun to install a button that would allow you to send a little zap to the person on the other side.

Oh I completely agree.

User on Phone: I haven't used my log in and password in four months. Do I need those to get into the system?

Me: No sir, you just press your forehead against the monitor of your computer and you can log in by osmosis.