Premium Users
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July 2007
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Squeaky [userpic]
Thank you!!!

I just want to thank all of you who have purchased Permanently Insane accounts. I would thank you all personally, but there are so many of you that I don't have the time.

The support you are showing the site is unbelievable and I am going to do whatever I can to help make the site even better in the future. So once agian, thank you .. each and every one of you!


Thank you! At the moment, I'm rather broke, so [info]simply_ellie is responsible for my permaccount, but I do plan to buy some myself once I'm more solvent. As many as I can afford, really, and I brought over 25 roleplaying accounts and my "mun" journal, so that'll hopefully give me a chance to show lavish appreciation. I love it here. I love your policies and features, and Tweak is ridiculously cute (yes, I'm also planning on buying some things from CafePress once I'm solvent). I'd have been here years ago if I'd known about it; if there's one good thing Strikethrough 2007 did, it's that it made a lot of us aware of you.

One little question I have is whether it's possible for IJ to acquire the 3-column stylesheet. That particular stylesheet is very popular with a lot of RPers, and I haven't been able to quite duplicate its features with any of the available styles here. I'll totally understand if that's not an option, but I'd love it if it is. :)

Unfortunatly that style is closed source and not part of the free distrobution. I'd make something similar to it, but I am more of a programmer than a designer. If you know anyone that is good for design, I am more than willing to barter for services.

I've made myself a custom layer that replicates most of its features, after doing a little bit of research. Is there any way to make it available to other users?

Possibly. Right now I really don't have the time to research it. But I will put it on my todo list and get back to you.

No, thank you, too. Looks awesome!

You're very welcome. :D!

Oooohhhhhh, pretty!

I like the Opal set, but it would be great if I could get Big Derek's journal looking back like it should. *g*

I just emailed you something that should help with that. :)


(the shinies...they et my braaaiiiiinnnnssss)

Hey, I never got your email, what address did you send it to?

Oh, sorry about that! I sent it to Derek... I'll forward you a copy, too. It's the 3-column layout and instructions for how to install and customize it.