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Cheshire Crossings : History

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Hallelujah. [08 Jan 2009|03:15am]
who: John Dorian, Ben Sullivan, and random hospital staff.
what: J.D. is left to take care of Ben, Doctor Cox's brother-in-law, who has been diagnosed with leukemia. However, in Cox's absence, a common complication in the cancer turns disastrous, and the worst thing that could possibly happen becomes a reality.
where: Sacred Heart hospital in Los Angeles, California.
when: A few years back.
warnings: Character death, strong angst, language.
notes: Something I wrote while bored and unable to sleep, and in response to Bri's previous post here. :D Sorry if my medical knowledge isn't great, I'm not a doctor, so humor me here, guys. ;D I did do some research using mostly Wikipedia, so let's hope I did a half decent job.

There was a time when you let me know what's real and going on below, but now you never show it to me, do you? )
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