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Cheshire Crossings : History

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[28 Jun 2010|04:58pm]

WHO: The Doctor and Captain Jack
WHAT: first meeting
WHERE: common room
WHEN: er… when Jack first got to Cheshire, before he got put in solitary to develop his psychosis ;-)
RATING: may be some flirting, but no action. Would be G if film boards didn’t classify the lightest of slash as pornographic.
STATUS: in progress

Are you my mummy? )
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Ishimura Investigation Report [09 Jun 2010|12:49pm]

Who: NPC's
What: Recorded discussion of Isaac and USG Ishimura
When: last year
Where: specified US Naval Base

The following documents are taken from Case#15446 regarding the incidents on the USG Ishimura and USG Kellion. Case status: OPEN )
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[11 Mar 2010|11:15am]

Who: Carey White and the Senior Class
What: Prom King and Queen's Blood Bath
Where: Edmonston High School Edmonston, Maryland
When: Prom Spring 2004
Rating: PG-13

Hairy Carey! Hairy Carey! Hairy Carey! )
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[18 Feb 2010|12:14pm]

Who: Itchy and Charlie
What: Valentine's Day
Where: New Orleans
When: One year ago
Rating: PG-13 for language

If you rolled in beignet mix, I'd probably lick you clean. )
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[08 Jan 2010|04:14am]

who: John Baum and Allison Young
where: Belmont Creek
when: A few years ago
what: Boy Meets Girl, Girl's in a mental hospital. Standard story...
rating: idk, R-ish

Come inside and be afraid of this impressive mess I’ve made )
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[20 Dec 2009|10:12pm]

Who: Perry Cox and Reno Santino.
What: Cox returns to Cheshire Crossings with a former patient.
When: Around the middle of November.
Where: The highway.
Rating: PG-13 for very strong language.

I try to take off my head sometimes because I can't escape for the life of me. )
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[30 Nov 2009|08:19pm]

Who: Wolf and his mother Gabriella
What: Wolf comes home and his mother is waiting
When: April 1994 then flash forward to May 1994
Where: Gabriella's house
Rating: R for much language and much violence

You were the first to lie when we were not alright. )
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[16 Aug 2009|11:08pm]

WHO: Doctor and Donna
WHAT: one of their many adventures
WHERE: a public phonebox in London
WHEN: about a year ago?
WHY: might help jog Donna's memory :-P
RATING: PG for swears and possible violence?
STATUS: threading/in progress

Bigger on the inside than on the outside )
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[03 Aug 2009|05:33pm]

Who: Denny Foster (and his close group of friends)
What: A sudden attack of the conscience he never knew he had
When: June 2007
Where: The bluffs in Denny's hometown
Rating: R (Language, drug use, self injury)

Just let me burn, it's what I deserve... )
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[10 Jul 2009|10:24pm]

Who: Ansley and Giuseppe Geppetto
What: Ansley is properly punished for 'lying'.
Where: The Geppetto's shop/home
When: October 6th, 2005
Rating: Pg-13, for physical and emotional abuse.

…but that’s what happens when you lie. You know this. )
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[09 Jul 2009|04:24pm]

who: Alice Liddell
what: Alice really doesn't like to share.
where: Hartford Hospital, Connecticut
when: Four years ago.
warnings: Language, violence, gore, and general craziness.

when the men on the chessboard get up and tell you where to go, and you've just had some kind of mushroom and your mind is moving low - go ask alice, i think she'll know )
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Hallelujah. [08 Jan 2009|03:15am]

who: John Dorian, Ben Sullivan, and random hospital staff.
what: J.D. is left to take care of Ben, Doctor Cox's brother-in-law, who has been diagnosed with leukemia. However, in Cox's absence, a common complication in the cancer turns disastrous, and the worst thing that could possibly happen becomes a reality.
where: Sacred Heart hospital in Los Angeles, California.
when: A few years back.
warnings: Character death, strong angst, language.
notes: Something I wrote while bored and unable to sleep, and in response to Bri's previous post here. :D Sorry if my medical knowledge isn't great, I'm not a doctor, so humor me here, guys. ;D I did do some research using mostly Wikipedia, so let's hope I did a half decent job.

There was a time when you let me know what's real and going on below, but now you never show it to me, do you? )
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[01 Jan 2009|10:10am]

WHO: Perry Cox & Jordan Sullivan
WHERE: Cox's home.
WHEN: (Backdated) A week after JD started working at Cheshire.
WHAT: Some character development, and understanding of Cox's rage at J.D.
RATING: Safe at PG

Where did I go wrong? // I lost a friend // Somewhere along in the bitterness // And I would have stayed up with you all night // Had I known how to save a life... )
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[30 Dec 2008|12:45pm]

WHO: Charity Norman & Christine Norman (Charity's mother) & Jessop Norman (Charity's father)
WHEN: Years, and years ago. Christmas Eve, when Charity was 7.
WHERE: Norman Manor in Shrewsbury, England.
WHAT: Christine is making a Christmas promise to Charity.

Somewhere in my memory.... )
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[29 Dec 2008|10:22pm]

Who: Kermit and Gonzo
When: 2004
Where: Gonzo's house
What: The only time Kermit really tried to kill himself after Missy broke up with him.
Warnings: Swears, suicidal talks, self-injury.

This was the fifth time that Missy had completely broken his heart into a million pieces, stomped on them with her completely amazingly beautiful shoes, and spit on them for good measure. )
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[12 Oct 2008|11:40pm]

Who: Demi and Dr. Harold Wednesday
When: About six years ago
Where: In a small cafe near Cornell, and then in a studio apartment nearby
What: A bit of backstory about Demi's first real relationship.
Warnings: Implied sex, not explicit.

If there was a demon would you hold her, and be a nurse by her side? )
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[07 May 2008|11:14am]

[ mood | complacent ]
[ music | "Our Truth" -- Lacuna Coil ]

WHO: Emma Frost & her three interns (The Cuckoo Triplets)
WHAT: Emma is talking to her 'darlings' about hate crimes, and ethics. xD!
WHERE: Various places in NYC, specifically shopping.
WHEN: About three years ago.
RATING: It's Emma Frost... so we're safe at an R rating.
CODES: Emma Frost, Mindee Cuckoo, Celeste Cuckoo, Phoebe Cuckoo.

...It's true my dears, they will always hate us. They will always envy the powers we have )

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[24 Mar 2008|10:28pm]

[ mood | creative ]
[ music | "1812 Overture" -- Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky ]

WHO: Martin Hastings (AKA Haigha)
NPC's: Alice, The White King, Hatta, The Lion, The Unicorn, A past psychologist named Doctor Sinclaire
CAMEO: The White Queen.
WHERE: Doctor Sinclaire's office, and Wonderland.
WHEN: A long time ago. Before Cheshire Crossings. Martin is about sixteen.
WHAT: A little back history to Martin.
RATING: G, for once. Little kiddies can read!
NOTICE: For legal matters, much of the text used in this post belongs to Lewis Carroll and the story "Through the Looking Glass, and What Alice Found There". I do not claim to have written all of it. Text from the story was found: HERE.

For you see, I once had Anglo-Saxon attitudes... )

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1993 - Charity is 14. [19 Feb 2008|08:33pm]

My little girl, you're going to change the world..... )
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