Posts Tagged: 'werewolf'

May. 3rd, 2014



The Best Laid Schemes of Mice and Men

Who: Dazzler, Longshot, Werewolf
What: It's just a shopping trip. What could possibly go wrong?
When: Core Date 17.03.2867 - Wednesday
Where: Shopping District, Sprite
Warning: TBD

Often Go Awry )

Mar. 26th, 2014



Good Morning Starshine

Who: Domino, Longshot, and Werewolf
What: A decent meal and casual, friendly interrogation
When: Core Date 16.03.2867
Where: Onboard the Lady Luck, en route to Sprite
Warning: TBD

The spaceship says hello )

Mar. 4th, 2014



Deceptively Good Day

Who: Domino and Werewolf
What: Job negotiations gone wrong. Or right depending on your point of view.
When: Core Date 15.03.2867
Where: Harrod's Bar, Red Light, Core
Warning: Violence and swearing

Until the crashing and bashing start. )