January 4th, 2008

[info]potentia_mods in [info]potentia_ooc


I would like to let everyone who has been posting and e-mailing regarding the random Pairings SNAFU this week that answers and reposnes will be forthcoming. Things are hectic and busy but they will be handled in due course.

Thank you for your patience.


[info]potentia_mods in [info]potentia_ooc

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]hot_to_trot)

This is an OOC note to Angel . . . Not Jo. There was an OOC post that was put up by Angel to the rest of us players, that was quickly deleted, I read it, and while I am completely livid about it's contents, I didn't bother to email because every time I turn around the mods aren't getting anyone's emails.

Angel, you're right, Jo has stepped up to the plate, and she's done an amazing job thus far with the game. The only problem? While you were gone, she couldn't make any modly decisions, she couldn't offer us any reason as to why our James player gets a free pass to be off becoming a rock star while the game is held up. While I agree with hiatuses and the need for people to have "Real lives" I disagree that the hiatus should be indefinite, especially when the more active players get comments on their journals should they fall a bit behind in their posting. The only thing I can think of is favoritism, it's blatant, it's obvious. I tried NOT to be offended by the email I got concerning my new character when the mods stated I had her "born in the wrong year" (which I did not). Because Narcissa is not even supposed to be IN school. The fact it was even an issue was annoying to me.

The first problem I had around here was that MY OWN CHARACTER was going around shagging every one he could get his hands on and ADMITTING it and yet he got detention for dancing on a table. When MY OTHER CHARACTER tried to get him (and his slutty sex partners) in trouble for it her concerns were IGNORED by the HEADMASTER in favor of keeping Narcissa out of trouble. Blatant favoritism? I think so.

Jo, thank you for TRYING your hardest to make me happy in this game with a moderating companion who is so ridiculously ineffective it's comical, and THANK YOU for trying to answer my concerns to the best of your ability. This in now way reflects the vision you had for this game.

Your players are not happy. I don't feel bad speaking for a lot of them because I talk to a lot of them. And they know who they are, they are being slighted by one half of an inefficient team. As for this mod post telling people not to be rude? It's a good thing that you deleted it because honestly, you would have learned the true meaning of the word rude.

I have been reading the post with the random pairings, and I never saw one instance of any of the players being rude, they were concerned yes, they were upset, they were LONG WINDED . . . But they weren't rude. Your players have concerns, they need an outlet, your email DOES NOT WORK. They need to make sure they aren't crazy and that other people share their concerns. They need to know that their concerns are being HEARD and DEALT with. That is the job of a moderator, not just fielding concerns, but dealing with them as well. Favoritism, hoarding of inactive characters, and allowing IC and OOC to CROSS SO MUCH is no way to run a tight ship. As moderators yes, you get to decide who gets let in and kicked out. Yes you get to control and manipulate OVERALL plot, you do NOT get to let your personal feelings govern your game. You DO not get to bend rules for some people and not for others. You either have rules or you don't. You DO have to make sure your players are happy. It SUCKS, but it's TRUE.

I have emailed, and complained, and blasted poor Jo with message after message on these issues and nothing is getting done. I realize that nothing will get done, and so I deal with the petty annoyances to keep on playing with the people I DO get along with.

I feel awful for having to post this out there, but honestly now . . . We're supposed to be having fun, yes the post is gone, but yes I'm still annoyed . . . Games are nothing without your players, and a good portion of your players are unhappy.

ETA: HOKAY LOOK . . . I'm not starting an uprising, I don't hate anyone, I am tired of CRAP that goes on around here, I know Tori, Jackie, Natasha and Des in real life, I can attest that we all have lives OUTSIDE OF THIS GAME. This isn't the end of the world for me. I'm not the bitch player. I've never been that girl. Ever. I saw some crap going down and I called it out. Just like when I felt attacked when a mod took it upon themselves to bad mouth my characters in a public forum to another player. I stuck up for myself then. Now I'm just sticking up for my friends. You'd all do the same thing. Tori doesn't HAVE to agree with anything I say, she has her own mind, trust me I spent a billion hours in a car with her. SHE HAS HER OWN MIND.

Okay now I'm really getting off my soapbox.

[info]potentia_mods in [info]potentia_ooc

From Jo

The purpose of the random Pairings and Detentions were to allow people who don’t RP together the opportunity to do so. It actually wasn’t mandatory. I know it comes across that way because house points are taken for not participating. That is because I wanted a reason to take house points. I honestly don’t care if you guys do the threads or not…if you are too busy it’s no big deal. If you can’t think of anything good, it’s no big deal. If you just don’t wanna its no big deal. It was not meant to seem oppressive and ZOMG we cost house points because didn’t thread! No. Not at ALL.

The purpose of deducting points if the thread is not done is because we needed to find ways to deduct points. The points, in reality are in the 5000 range (and the posted points are divided by 5) and it’s only January…so, as you can see getting docked 15 points every now and then shouldn’t be a big deal.

As a mod, I was not going to say OMG YOU SUCK AT LIFE if you don’t do your random pairing. It’s 15 points. compared to the over 500 points per house that we tally, it really didn’t seem like a big deal to me.

To Tori: I apologize for what was taken as a very rude, very harsh e-mail. It was well after 10 pm and I was extremely tired. This does not excuse my apparent snarkiness.

I did not mean to ignore all the hard work you and the other players did in trying to work out what you all believed to be “a total crap” or “thoughtless and cruel” random pairing. I decided to make the post null and void because it seemed to me that while you did work it out you felt extremely put upon and very upset and I thought it was best to simply inform you that the offensive post was being removed. I thought it would give you a sigh of relief; not enrage you further. Again, mea culpa and my most sincere apologies.

As to the ooc comment about getting caught. I did not say YOU WOULD BE caught. I said if the right people found out your character COULD be penalized. That, again, was to meant to make it fun.

To Christine: You posted well thought out and verbose answers. I did not see the need to poll my players at every turn. I have personally never been in a game, HP or other wise, that polled it’s players at every turn. When they made changes, they made changes, and we as players dealt with said changes. It’s not meant to be Nazi like, or take away anyone’s free will but to make things efficient and speedy. I already get complaints that things don’t happen fast enough, so polling seemed to me to be a way to yet again make things bogged down in slowness.

To Carol: My most sincere apologies for being rather harsh with you earlier in the week. I was vastly frustrated by your post, unfortunately, but I should have dealt with it in a much friendlier manner. Thank you for not taking it personally.

I, as a mod, did something I thought would be challenging and fun. I added the adult places into the random places. This was met with such harshness I cannot seem to comprehend.

I most sincerely apologize to anyone and everyone to whom I may have offended and hope you can all be forgiving of someone who was doing her best to make things fun.

To address the plot issues. Because I am still working on the plot timeline and such, yes, I mentioned to a couple of players that I wanted plots run by the mods. This was also a specific to a plot coming up that very much influenced the main plot and I needed to have that run by me first. It was also to discourage some god-modding that I thought/felt was going with a couple of players. I dealt/am dealing with that outside the boards.

I know I have missed some thing that need to be addressed, so please, if you have an issue that was not dealt with in this post, please reply and I will answer those to the best of my ability was well.

[info]potentia_mods in [info]potentia_ooc


Thank you to natasha for pointingt his out.


This is getting RIDICULOUS!!!!

[info]potentia_mods in [info]potentia_ooc

Um, so...

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]sir_rosier)

Are we playing or, pausing, or moving, or? Cause Evan's got some things to take care of (cough Adalene cough) and I'm not sure what the plan is.