Pirates of the Caribbean Fiction, Icons, Headers [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Pirates of the Caribbean Fiction, Icons, Headers

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Confessions Of A Pirates Junkie [Jul. 28th, 2007|03:50 pm]


So... my name is [info]magik and I'm addicted to pirates.

I always have been. I've collected every movie or documentary I have been able to find on pirates, and I read any books -- even the cheesy romance novels ones -- that I can find.

My favorite ride at Disneyland was always Pirates Of The Caribbean, so when I found out they were making a movie, naturally, I was really excited.

Since then, I have fallen in love with all of the characters -- and yes, I am a devout Elizabeth/Will shipper.

When I started migrating over here from LJ, I realized that I wanted to be able to have my fannish communities over here, too.

Thus, [info]potc_creative was born.

This asylum was created to cater to all of your PotC needs or desires... if possible.

Here, you can post fic, icons, headers, philisophical discussions, anything. All genres are accepted, as are both het and slash.

The rules are simple:

** No bashing or flaming of other members of the asylum
** If you post more than three icons, there needs to be a cut.
** Posting headers or banners, please also use a cut tag.
** Stories over 100 words, use a cut.

Other than that, have fun and let's see what we can turn this place into.
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