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[07 Dec 2014|12:50am]
HI, this is Mady. SHORT INTRO because I'm supposed to be writing a dumb paper right now!!!! I only have Lavender right now so here's the quick faxxx about her:

- Gryffindor '98, DA member
- Super busybody-y, loves people generally
- H8s Death Eaters and most Slytherins probably unless she has gotten to know them and sees they're not all bad
- Used to be a Mean Girl (kinda still is, IT'S HARD TO CHANGE YOURSELF!!!!!! she says) but she's working on being a GOOD PERSON
- Jumps to conclusions a lot
- in the final battle she battled fenrir greyback and suffered some bad injuries (REMINDER TO FILL IN THAT INJURY DOC) and she's a bit sore about the subject and won't talk about it unless you're close friends with her, super bitter about it and kinda bratty about it
- Really loves nice hair
- Really loves making lists
- Automatically loves everyone in the DA!!!! And Gryffindor!!!!!


GO WATCH THE 100!!!!
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[07 Dec 2014|06:54am]
Hi, I'm Katie with the other half of the Patil twins! Quick summary: this is Padma, Ravenclaw extraordinaire, previously-shy-to-the-point-of-muteness, recently-fierce DA member.

Key facts:
  • Pureblood '98 Ravenclaw whose best friends (outside of her siblings and yes Lavender essentially counts in that category) are Kevin Entwhistle, Morag MacDougal, and Stephen Cornfoot.
  • Always content playing the quiet half of Parvati-and-Padma.
  • Socially awkward but capable post-fifth year when she got her Prefect badge!
  • Faded out of the luxury of nervousness during this past year when everything got so shit that emotions kind of plateaued for her.
  • Kept her badge and played double-agent for the DA as long as she could before things went to crap and the Prefects had to shape up or ship out. When she did finally give it up, she was punished harshly by the Carrows, A+
  • Fought in the Battle of Hogwarts but got out without any major injuries. Physically. Psychologically is probably another story for everybody, let's be real.

Like Jen said for Parvati, there are possible connections re: the Pureblood world when they were younger. Anyone who's friends with Vati has likely gotten to know the quiet presence of her lookalike. Ravenclaws, Padma has at least known your name since she got her badge and used to pride herself on being the fairest prefect she could be, so you've likely interacted with her! (Other houses are game here too, but Ravenclaw especially.) I am open to any and all lines, I have tl;dr'ed too much, hit me~
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[07 Dec 2014|07:39am]
Good morning! This is And. This will be quick because I have to leave for the gym in like 20 and have a bitey puppy that keeps wanting to go out and then back in. Anyway this is Andrew Kirke, '99 Gryffindor. You may have played with him before... but there's a few game mechanic-y things that are different and so's a bit of his backstory. That said, here's your quick guide to Andrew:

- His mum is a Muggle and his dad was a halfblooded wizard who was killed by Death Eaters back in 1981. (He didn't know this until after he turned 11 and went to Hogwarts.)
- Always kind of a problem child. He may have sold your character pot or something at some point before last year.
- He tried to ditch school at the beginning of the year but was caught about a week into it and unceremoniously escorted back to Hogwarts. He wasn't really allowed to go anywhere after that (and bitched about it a lot).
- Andrew extremely dislikes authority figures but especially those who abuse their power and he can't keep his damn mouth shut, so he wasn't the most obedient student and in detention a fair amount.
- A lot of people who didn't know better probably thought he was in Dumbledore's Army but he wasn't. It was really annoying when people asked him about it.
- Fought in the Battle of Hogwarts because of course he did. Helped, along with another student or two fight a DE and they ended up defenestrating (and killing him). If you want your character to be one of these students, let me know! Andrew kinda feels a weird mixture of guilt and pride about this.
- Currently pretty disillusioned about a society that would let these things happen and seriously considering stowing away on a boat for Australia or something. I want to say his bff was Jack Sloper who died in the Battle so if no one has any objections, that's probably contributing to his feels. Basically, he's way more traumatized than he'll admit (or even realizes himself).
- Has probably been drunk and/or high since the Battle was over since he didn't really have any injuries. Had to go back to his mum and step dad's flat in London and he really doesn't want to be there (they don't understaaaand).
- Definitely doesn't want to go back to school at this point. Has no idea what to do with his future and doesn't really care. Won't be into helping with reconstruction... at least at first.

I don't imagine he has many friends left after the past year, but hey, maybe people who at least tolerate him still? There's definitely space for a few enemies, too! I kind of assume most people just roll their eyes at him and try to ignore him, though. I'm open to all plots, just let me know if you want to do something with Andrew. Oh and I haven't been on AIM in so long I can't remember my screennames so your best bet is to email me at toastysocks (gmail) or dropbox me whenever I get that up (soon!).
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[07 Dec 2014|08:56am]
Hello, I'm Jillian (~acejillian) and I'll be taking on two myself for this game.

The first, belonging to this journal, is Kevin Entwhistle, Ravenclaw '98:
* The quiet spectre of Ravenclaw, Kevin has been historically quite shy and quite quiet
* Mainly because he has a pretty bad stammer (feel free to comment and mock, Slytherin's); most of his magic is done wordlessly for that reason, as anyone who paired up with him in charms can attest to
* Maths genius who could have sat his Arithmancy NEWTS at 5th year; spends his free time reading books on physical sciences and computers to keep up with his Muggle background
* Muggleborn who did a runner rather than go to Azkaban; made it the entire year without getting caught by the Snatchers, but boy were there a lot of close calls
* Best friends with Padma and Stephen, has a sister Anabelle who ran with him that is Gryffindor '00

The second, belonging to [info]ink_and_ash, is Percy Weasley, Gryffindor '94:
* LOL like you don't know who this guy is. 3rd Weasley from the top, rules driven, Ministry-working, proud prat who FINALLY sorted things out with his family just in time to watch his younger brother die right in front of him.
* Has an on-again, off-again relationship with Penny Clearwater that is currently in the infancy stages of being back on; has a sort of fatherly relationship with Aberforth Dumbledore, who he plays chess with once a week.
* Spent the last year sheltered by working for the DRMC under Amos Diggory; has absolutely no idea whether he'll be let back on in the Ministry.
* Is dealing with a lot right now, between his reconnection with his family, the death of Fred and his own feelings about killing Augustus Rookwood.

Looking forward to all of the post war fun! You can find me at alinneaelindor at!
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[07 Dec 2014|10:30am]
Hi! It's Bronte, I thought I'd quickly do an intro before the game opens (soon! I think. idk, timezones confuse me).

So I have:

Morag MacDougal (this journal), Ravenclaw '98. Not a DA member. Realised as a pureblood all she really had to do was not draw attention to herself and she would be fine so got through the year unscathed and left as soon as possible when the war started. She feels guilty about not helping but she's not a fighter. Would have helped her friends with treating injuries/comfort/lots and lots of chocolate (she's a bit of a chocoholic and always has a stash of it), just not with actually standing up for them at the time.

Aside from that she's sweet and friendly though and tries to be nice to everyone, and encourages other people to do the same. So friends? Exes? People who don't like her but that she tries to be nice to all the same? I think she's cousins with Luna and Verity but if anyone else wants cousins that would be cool too! Anything else ever?

Angela Berkman ([info]berkman, Gryffindor '96. Muggleborn. When she realised muggleborns are looked down on made up a story about her mother being a pureblood and therefore actually being a halfblood but having to pretend she's a muggleborn because her mother's family would freak if they new she had a kid with a muggle. Was on the run last year but would still like people to believe she's a halfblood and told people she was staying with her pureblood mum in France to avoid the war. She just hopes no one paid too close attention to her name being on the wanted listed for not being captured and believe her. She doesn't want to have to talk about the last year, making up shit about partying in France is easier.

Aside from lying a lot, Angela is also loud, self absorbed and attention seeking. She's always looking for fun and attention and loves parties and drinking and will basically be friends with anyone if you'll drink with her or invite her to a part. Friends? Exes? People who believe she's a halfblood? People who realise she's a muggleborn because her lie isn't that thought through? Enemies? People to party with? Anything and everything else?
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st. mungo's stuff? [07 Dec 2014|10:49am]
Hey guys! TOTALLY not replied to intros yet but -- Who visited Lisa in St. Mungo's? Including other people *IN* St. Mungo's. :) And she would have tried to visit those as well. And if other people want to piggyback on this post and talk about Mungo's ~stuff~ please feel free? I just want to know because her first entry will mention them >>

So comment with your Mungo's stuff here!
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[07 Dec 2014|10:50am]
Good morning, all!

I'm Sarah, found usually at ~lauraparis, and I'm really, really excited for this game! I'm coming to you with three characters right now, and I'll give a brief run down, though I'm not really all that good at intros.

Luna Lovegood at [info]forthenargles
+ 17, Ravenclaw, plans to go back for her seventh year in the fall
+ Was kidnapped by snatchers on her way home for Christmas hols last year and didn't return to the castle until the Battle of Hogwarts
+ Close friends (I hope!) with Neville, Dean, and Ginny -- plus other members of the DA
+ Is weird, quirky, and most people either like her or don't know what to do with her

Sarah Fawcett at [info]huffled
+ 21, former Ravenclaw 1995 & prefect, currently a healer in the Spell Damage Ward
+ On that note, if you have a character suffering from Spell Damage, please let me know! Maybe she works/worked with you!
+ Engaged to Jeremiah Stebbins; they've postponed their wedding due to his mother's death and the war
+ Has several younger siblings, though her younger sister Salome is up for play. Salome is well-known for drinking an Ageing Potion during the Triwizard Tournament and growing a beard!

Draco Malfoy at [info]asharped
+ Well.
+ Death Eater of the former variety. Tried to kill Dumbledore and failed. Fought for the DEs in the Battle of Hogwarts.
+ Is trying to rebuild his life
+ Is still a little prick but more subdued since he's trying to bury his head in the sand and make everything go away

As for me, you can find me best at all times (except when I'm sleeping) at kat.shakespeare at gmail. I'm never around on AIM, unfortunately, but email will always get to me. I'm on US Eastern time, I work in for museum, and I'm always up for logs & distraction.
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OPEN! [07 Dec 2014|12:00pm]
We are officially open for business! ;)
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[07 Dec 2014|12:09pm]
hi guys! i am going to try and make this short and sweet because gpsl and lots of characters and opening day. i'm kae, and if you'd like backstory, i'm very very very happy to play around with that and am always available by email at at gmail. for now, i have three -- i'll gesture to the fourth i've submitted, too, just to make things easier and if she doesn't get in. oops??? also, guys, pick up DEs!!! losing is almost as fun as winning i promise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

gabriel rosier, 26, defense barrister. former slytherin, pureblood
so probably gabe will mostly have connections through purebloods, because he's a sight older than potter & co. but basically his father is a fairly well-known and well-liked barrister himself, whose philanthropy work and distancing of himself from his brother evan in the eighties made him survive the war with a relatively respectable reputation in tact, despite having defended a lot of the first war death eaters. gabe is charming, affable, a bit reserved, but definitely a golden boy: good in social situations, knows how to say the right thing, but shrewd, self-serving, and definitely manipulative. his father is under the gun, now, as he was too casual when it looked like they were winning. gabe, meanwhile, is trying to balance the firm he's inherited with the fact that he himself is a death eater who is terrified of being sent to azkaban. it's fair to say some people might suspect him, but he's not a #1 person of interest...yet. i would love friends, school mates, and maybe a vindictive ex whose looking to have him put away. he's also dating viv travers, who was in pansy's dorm, and is the older brother of ophelie rosier.

michael corner, 18, would-be healer. former??? ravenclaw, halfblood
michael probably requires less introduction: he's the loudest of the raventrio, probably, opinionated, brash, a bit of an asshole, and definitely self-assured. as a vocal member of the DA, kids from hogwarts probably remember him getting in trouble a lot, and also being a bit of a shitty loser on the quidditch field. he's not potter's #1 fan, but he respects the kid, and is v v v much on the side of the good guys~ he's pretty banged up from the final battle, but not so much as terry, which is sending him into paroxisms of panic. his dad went on the run when he was called to the muggleborn registration, and is still unheard of. mike has lots of ex girlfriends, so if you need an old flame, hit me up. friends, enemies, i'm sure he's got both in spades! his baby sister tessa is coming in shortly, and he has a giant crush on parvati patil.

angelina johnson, 21, hitwitch. former gryffindor, halfblood
angelina also probably requires less of an introduction, so i'll just tell you a bit about my characterization of her. in a group of do-first-think-laterers, she tends to be of the cool head prevail philosophy. she's practical, even-keeled, a team-player, and loyal, but not blindly so. although she loves quidditch, she wanted to do something a bit more productive (though she wouldn't say as much to her quidditch friends), which probably doesn't surprise anyone: angelina is a perfectionist who demands a lot of herself, and sometimes this comes at the cost of things like sleeping and eating. she's good at what she does, spends a lot of time being healthy, and spends even more time loving her friends. perhaps more than any of my others, angelina is a social creature who will really, really need to lean on friends because she's just lost her boyfriend, and that's...really awful. SOMETIMES she might be a big of a nag, because i do think she can expect a lot from the people she loves. but i'm not sure exactly how that will play out, yet, so...FRIENDS! ENEMIES! everyone!!!

beatrix dawlish, 17, would-be cursebreaker. gryffindor, halfblood
and finally, bea! who isn't in! but basically, bea is a seriously adventurous gryffindor who has a bad case of wanderlust and a real sense of wonder and excitement about the world and travel. staying put is the worst ever. she shared a dormitory with ginny (and demelza, HI GUYS!!!) and is a rebel. her parents are pretty strict, and her dad is an auror, so she learned really quickly how to sneak out of a window. i think of all my characters, she could do with lines the most. fellow party animals, wild-children and free spirits especially welcome. her dad is pretty complicit, if you ask me, in the thicknesse regime, so i think her home life is in tatters right now and probably was over the last year, as she kind of avoided the brunt of the carrows (which i'm sure didn't make her v popular). what's more, bea is very concerned that she'll have to repeate sixth year over again, which sucks. because being cooped up in hogwarts is a living nightmare for her. FRIENDS, FLINGS, ENEMIES, FRIENEMIES. anything: i want it.
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i suck at intros [07 Dec 2014|12:49pm]
Hello I am Mimi. Last night I played wasted/stoned charades and wrote impossible things on my cards like "harry potter is alone" and "rue dies"

This is Seamus! Seamus:
  • is a former Gryffindor as we all know
  • lost his mother in the war during an attack on civillians
  • immediately got a kind of shitty job because he's trying to move forward
  • really boastful about the fact that he stayed to fight and risked his life/goes around telling ppl he's a "war hero"
  • he can be an asshole for sure, but he has very high respect for Dumbledore's Army and whoever stayed behind to fight 
  • probably does not like you very much if you're prejudice 
  • has a really dirty sense of humor sometimes
  • does his share of sleeping around


okay that is all

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[07 Dec 2014|01:13pm]
Hi everyone! Alicia here with BLAISE ZABINI. Since I've had a crazy weekend and basically missed the meme fanfare, I just wanted to post to introduce him. He's a standoffish (secretly shy/awkward) snob, Better Than You, kind of abrasive, and that kid in the Slytherin friend group who's always like ~when I was abroad in x place, they did things so much better~. He was basically schlepped all around Europe growing up with his mom, Alessandra, a supermodel who kills her husbands for fun and profit. You can read more about him and the misfortunes of his stepfathers HERE! Would love all kinds of plot -- Slytherin friends, frenemies, people to give bro nods to in the hallway, yule ball date!!!, etc.
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[07 Dec 2014|09:00pm]
Good evening! A quick intro before I head to bed (silly timezones) but I'm Alex. I've played with the majority of you before, what feels like /years/ ago so good to see you guys again. Fair warning, it's a good thing this is a gpsl because besides the timezone I'm ridic busy this month! Well atm I'm flat out for three weeks. It therefore might take me a day or two to reply in some cases (sadness I know but I'm getting things done as quickly as I can. Also depends on how much computer access I have at work).

Anyway, this here is Claudia Jackson. She's a 16 year old Hufflepuff who should have been in her sixth year this year but as a Muggleborn was in Azkaban. She's shy, she's quiet and incredibly polite. She enjoys spending time with her friends but at the same time she enjoys reading, sewing (she was taught by her grandmother who raised her for the most part as both parents worked full time) and hates change. Yeah this is going to be fun >.> Coming out of Azkaban she's being diagnosed with PTSD/Depression BUT because I realise this is a trigger thing EVERYTHING relating to it will be under a cut and only talked about if absolutely necessary. Most of it would be inner thoughts in her head as she's going to try and put on a happy face to the world but if your char knows her well you'll prob notice things.

best way to contact me is via email ( though my aim is which doubles as an email and I use for gdocs too just to complicate matters. I've also added people to gchat as that goes direct to my phone if I actually have access to the network (*cough*workisevil*cough*)

I look forward to playing with you all!
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