Sunday, August 15th, 2010

Owls delivered to Julia Fenwick, Violet Catchlove, Shannon Creevey, and Joelle Wright on October 15th at 1:30 P.M. )
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Friday, August 13th, 2010

Who: Julia Fenwick & Graham Elkins
What: Graham has been trying to win Julia over and has had little progress. In an attempt to make up for his shortcomings, he asks her to meet him in Classroom 11 to work on that dance she "owes" him.
Where: Classroom 11 | Ground Floor
When: Friday, October 13th | during Quidditch practise (don't tell Wood)
Rating: PG
Status: Incomplete | Closed

Every man is afraid of something. That's how you know he's in love with you; when he is afraid of losing you. )
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Wednesday, August 11th, 2010

Owl delivered to Julia Fenwick on October 11, 2022 at 10:00 A.M. )
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Saturday, July 24th, 2010

Who: Nina and Julia
What: Wandering around Hogsmeade. Because I'm bored dammit.
When: September 24th, early afternoon
Where: High street and beyond
Rating: PG

It wasn't unlike Nina to go wandering about by herself )
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Wednesday, July 14th, 2010

Who: Rose, Violet, Julia, Hannah, Genevieve, Fred, Emma, Graham, Liam, Aiden, & OPEN TO ALL!
What: Today was dreadfully boring, so let's celebrate by enjoying Violet's birthday!!! Rose sent out flyers earlier this week to let everyone in on the fun.
When: 14 September 2022; after dinner
Where: The Room of Requirement
Rating: PG
Status: Incomplete // OPEN THREAD (OTA)

We're gonna party like it's your birthday! )
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