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11/5/08 08:35 pm - [info]femmequixotic - LONG: A Seasonal Pursuit, Harry/Draco (Watcher: [info]inamac)

The current Autumn/Halloween Challenge is accepting fic and art submissions from the watchers of [info]pornish_pixies as well as members. Please remember that if you wish to submit a fic or artwork for this challenge, the deadline is Saturday November 8.

Below is the submission by watcher [info]inamac.

Title: A Seasonal Pursiut
Author: Ina MacAllan ([info]inamac)
Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Rating: NC-17
Length:1460 words
Summary: Harry and Draco go for a walk in the woods. Harry teaches Draco a muggle game. Draco is a fast learner...

Warnings: Very Bad Puns (No, seriously) Also fellatio and anal play (unless you are a wizard with a very good command of cleaning and lubrication spells, or are on excellent terms with your local hospital's proctology department, do not try this at home).
Notes: Written for the Hallowe'en Challenge. While conkers is, indeed, a seasonal traditional English schoolboy's game, the version that Harry and Draco are playing in this story does not conform to the accepted National Rules.

A Seasonal Pursuit )
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