Pornicators' Journal
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Thursday, August 10th, 2006

    Time Event

    Original poster: unbroken_halo



    Original poster: unbroken_halo

    This is unbroken_halo and I feel like I am ready to address the posts I made this morning. As many of you may know I am dealing with some very frightening things in RL. The sight of more reviews and possible future wank, appearing on my f-list was just a bit much to handle this morning in addition to my RL, so I shut down the lesser important things to deal with the very real threat to my actual life. I looked to fan-fiction as a way to escape the real life and live in the fantasy for a while. I hasn’t been fun as of late much though, hence the mini manic fit. I feel as if I should apologize to my friends for causing confusion, mayhem and any other random adjectives used to describe such things. I am sorry if I upset any of you.

    Within a short time of posting I had several private messages asking me what had happened. So to [info]kit84, [info]irana, [info]triciagnosis, [info]fodirteg, [info]sevs_lil_secret, [info]alisanne and [info]gauriel thank you for chatting with me and listening to me be manic.

    As for the rest of it, I refuse to be a puppet by anyone’s standards. So I am here to say you can’t stop me from writing what I want, when I want and how I want. Snapesdarkling started Pornicators for the authors. It shall remain as such; a safe place for Aussies, Snarry newbies and any Snarry author really, regardless of time in the fandom.

    That said I have changed some things on Pornicators. First off I am opening the community back up to watchers. However the NC-17 posts will remain locked. You want to read them you must be 18 and have it on your live journal profile. I refuse to hunt you down.

    The posting requirements found in the profile have also changed. They are easy and simple to remember. Please add a review yes or no and whether or not you would like your fic to be linked. Simple yes? Have a question? Email me I promise not to bite.

    To be honest, I am disgusted with all the wank and DO NOT want to be drawn into it anymore than I already am. Review away if you have nothing better to do. I won’t be reading them. They are your opinions and like assholes most of the time they stink and everyone has one. If you have constructive criticism please address it to the author, politely. How else can someone improve if they honestly don’t know what to work on?

    Some people may not want your help, some people may even be rude about it. But to give an honest feedback or concrit you should address the good as well as the bad and offer a suggestion of help if they are receptive to it.

    That’s all I have to say about the matter. Any friends of [info]unbroken_halo or [info]pornicators wanting to be removed just let me know and I will do so. I won’t hold it against you. Thank you for reading my two cents on the matter.


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