Pornicators' Journal
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Wednesday, December 22nd, 2004

    Time Event
    Big welcome to

    Original poster: snapesdarkling

    ... [info]kaiz.
    Really happy to have you here.

    Dear new authors,

    Original poster: snapesdarkling

    I know you are in the flist and are teetering on whether to post a fic to the comm. I want you to know that I am not a fiction snob. That is, I do not go into paroxysms of rage when I see minor grammatical or structural errors in a fic. Sure, I would like everything to be perfect (in which case I would be shagging Daniel Radcliffe and Alan Rickman and have money and beauty in vast quanitites), however, the world is full of imperfections.

    What I am trying to say is, that if you post here, I will not jump all over you for minor errors. I want people to write, you see, not only in this comm but just for the sake of the art. Having said that, if you want me to look at your work before you post it, please send it to me. I will give you what feedback I can. Remember too that we have some shit hot authors in our members list. If you want an opinion from one of them you only have to post a beta request. I am sure you will get help. All of them are great people and love writing and the fandom.

    Much love

    Fic Rec Time

    Original poster: snapesdarkling

    Try this brought to you courtesy of the lovely [info]cydah
    Title: Spectre
    Author: unbroken_halo
    Pairing: Harry/Severus
    Rating: NC-17
    Summary: The past has come to pay a visit at Hogwarts, starting with
    Severus Snape.

    A bitty piece of fic

    Original poster: thysanotus

    Title: Poker Night
    Author: [info]thysanotus
    Rating: PG-13
    Disclaimer: See my user info
    A/N: Just a drabble, written in five minutes. I was sent a drabble and was raving about it in my journal. Another lj friend asked to read it, and not wanting to post it without permission from the original author, I wrote my own. Oh. Prompts were poker, ties, and, of course, Severus/Harry.

    Poker Night )

    x-posted to [info]snape_potter

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: "Goodnight Ladies" - Lou Reed

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