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Tuesday, December 21st, 2004

    Time Event
    Welcome aboard...

    Original poster: snapesdarkling

    to [info]naggingfishwife. W00t!! More art for us all to enjoy.

    rather odd short ficcie

    Original poster: mnstr_fics

    title: past imperfect
    beta : none. sorry darlings
    pairing : who else for this com
    rating : g

    past imperfect )

    Current Mood: odd
    Current Music: defying gravity wicked cast recording

    Introduction and a couple of fics

    Original poster: moltensulfur

    Hi everyone. My introduction is a little belated. I haven't written anything since my last fic was recc'd here (The Least Expected). But I am working on a new Harry/Snape I hope to have ready after the holidays. In the mean time, I'd like to offer up the other two Snarrys I've written.

    Title:The Goblet of Unions
    Author: Veritas
    Pairings: HP/SS, minor and not explicit HP/GW, HP/DM
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: none
    Disclaimer: I did not inhale. I am not a crook. Nor do I own these characters and make money off of them.
    Summary: Harry learns about marriage, wizarding style.
    AN: This was written in response to a challange on the After Class list last spring. The idea was that marriages in the wizarding world were chosen by a goblet similar to the one in GoF. So this is what I did with it. It was a lot of fun to work out, and I always wanted to do a sequal but never quite got around to it.

    Title:As We Enter the Dark
    Author: Veritas
    Pairings: HP/SS, HP/LV
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: established relationship
    Disclaimer: I did not inhale. I am not a crook. Nor do I own these characters and make money off of them.
    Summary: Part of the From Dusk till Dawn Life Moves On Severus Snape/Harry Potter Fuh-Q-Fest. The good guys lost and the prophecy was fulfilled, but not in the way Harry had expected. Harry makes a deal with the Dark Lord to save himself and his friends.
    AN: Obviously this was a FQF fic. I added a sequal after the fest ended, so it's in two parts, really.

    There you have it. I know it's not enough to keep a reader busy until JULY 16TH!!! but I'd like to think it's a little entertaining.


    Current Mood: we have a release date people!
    Current Music: my humidifier

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