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Thursday, October 14th, 2004

    Time Event
    Snarry First Kiss Challenge!

    Original poster: leianora

    Here's my contribution. Please keep in mind that this is my first attempt at Snarry ever.
    *** *** *** *** ***

    Title: The First Kiss

    Author: [info]leianora

    Rating: PG 13

    Pairing: Severus/Harry

    Genre: Romance

    Summary: Harry is determined not to let his fears get the better of him.

    Author's notes: This isn't going to be betaed, because I really don't have anyone who has the time to help me right now. If there are errors you see, feel free to tell me.
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    Read more... )

    Current Mood: accomplished

    Short Challenge...

    Original poster: snapesdarkling

    How about under 500 -1000 words on The First Kiss.

    Rule is the ficlet has to concentrate on the actual kiss, not the lead up, although you may have a couple sentences to do that.
    Get right into it and show what it is really like for Harry and Severus to kiss for the first time.
    Scenarios might include innocent brushing of cheek with lips followed by hot snog; predatory rough taking of one or other partner throwing against wall roughly tongue thrusting etc etc; shy, silent exploration; public 'I can't hold back any more', grabbing and pashing madly in front of teachers or whole school; non-con with all the nasty trimmings.

    Kissing. Harry and Severus. 500-1000 words or less. GO.

    Current Mood: happy

    Five Ways to a First Kiss

    Original poster: ajmckay

    Title:  Five Ways to a First Kiss


    Author:  AJ McKay [info]ajmckay


    Rating:  G to PG-13


    Genre:  Romance, Humour, Slash


    Pairing:  Harry/Severus


    Warnings:  Death, “Girl Bits”


    Comments:  Answers the first kiss challenge by [info]snapesdarkling .  I decided to do five drabbles each one hundred words long to meet the minimum and challenge myself.  Each drabble is completely separate and is a different look at the first kiss scenario.  This is also completely unbeta’d-it was just something fun I wrote to share.  All mistakes are mine.


    Five Ways to a First Kiss )

    FIC: Maybe

    Original poster: stellahobbit

    FIC: Maybe
    AUTHOR: [info]stellahobbit
    DISCLAIMER: All hail J.K. Rowling! I love her boys, and love to let her boys love each other. She owns them, I’m just using them for the smut.
    SUMMARY: Written for [info]pornicators First Kiss Challenge


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