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October 26th, 2016

[info]milesaway in [info]poe_ooc

Okay, this is a long list and I'm half-asleep but here goes!

Mel's Characters! )

[info]poe_mods in [info]poe_ooc

To help everyone keep arrival dates straight the first few weeks, I did up a DOCUMENT for them! I might have missed a few that either didn't have an arrival date filled out or I just flat out missed. It's editable by anyone with a link, so feel free to put in your character as needed!

You can also feel free to attach a note over your character's name with the exact date, if that tickles your fancy.

Since there's a big surge of people arriving today, intake is going to be a little crowded and rushed. The general idea of what your character experiences when they arrive is pretty much this:
  • Meet & explanation: Rebecca, Shaun or another Assassin NPC will be in the same room the portal is located, and will meet, explain things briefly, calm people down as needed, etc.
  • Medical examination is next, unless your character arrives severely injured then they kind of skip the explanation and you go straight to emergency services.
  • After medical, you get your paperwork, questions answered, a tablet, laptop and phone. Shaun and Rebecca's info is programmed in all of the electronics and they're available to answer questions. They won't get network access until they've had at least the general explanation. (Up to you if they BELIEVE it, though.)
  • From then on, your character can get assigned to a room, fuck around on the internet, figure out if they want to work with the Assassins or leave, etc.
  • People that come out of the portal and are hostile immediately will be sedated. If your character isn't ABLE to be sedated, they will be held in a super assassin holding cell until they calm down.

  • After Rebecca's post goes up, feel free to throw yourselves into the mix!

    [info]witchydanno in [info]poe_ooc

    Hey guys, it's Klutzy and to absolutely no one's surprise, the one character I have to introduce at the moment is Danny William, the AU version.

    Basically, his world, the supernatural is pretty much a normal thing. He was born a witch and if you're familiar with Charmed, I basically borrowed Piper's active power for him (if not, he can freeze something or blow it up with a hand movement), along with spellcasting and potions and an affinity for fire because...hothead. He came in a few weeks ago, pretty much attached to the hip with Steve because they're codependent cops and stupidly in love and in denial about it.

    Anyway, that's it for now! A Lindsey McDonald should be following at some point too! So...plots? :D

    [info]shabbywolf in [info]poe_ooc

    kait's peoples

    Heeeeey ♥ Kait finally did a thing.

    I'm just bringing two THREE people to the table right now, just to try and get my feet wet. My schedule's super busy for the time being so I'm ~trying things out~. :D

    So I have:

    Remus Lupin [info]shabbywolf | Harry Potter | Remus Lives!AU
    Everyone's favorite werewolf schoolteacher, from an AU in which he didn't die at the Battle of Hogwarts. Now a widower with a young son, Remus has been raising Teddy as a single dad for the past three years and things have actually been pretty happy postwar, just missing his wife. He's actually been teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts since the school reopened and has paved the way for some massive reforms regarding werewolf treatment in wizarding Britain, so safe to say he's likely to be ... out and proud, sort of.

    Nathan Drake [info]hadtotry | Uncharted | Pre-canon
    Nate's from before his canon starts, when he's around age 20 and is learning the finer points of crime from Sully and Sam. He's a pickpocket and thief who's amazing at climbing on all kinds of shit and finding "another way around". At this point he hasn't ever killed anybody, but he'll turn out to be surprisingly good at it, so clearly he's someone the Assassins need to notice. XD

    ETA: Kaidan Alenko [info]secondspectre | Mass Effect | Indoctrination AU
    Kaidan's from ladyShep's world, but he's true to canon and all her decisions (Destroy ending, etc). He's a space telekinetic with a chronic migraine problem, and he tends to be overly thoughtful and tries real hard to be the cool guy in the room when he really probably isn't. He's kind of a goody two-shoes sometimes, kind of a by-the-book military man, and he will be very weirded out to find boy!Shepard here.